The Effect of Hydroxyapatite Ultrofine Powder on the Immunity Function of Tumor-bearing Mice

来源 :Journal of Tongji Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunyanjun03
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The inhibitory effect of hydroxyapatite ultrofine powder on tumor and the effect on the immunity function of body were investigated. The levels of IL 2 in the spleen cells and serum TNF levels in the tumor bearing mice at the 7th day and 14th after peritoneal injection of HAUFP were detected by using the methods of colorimetric analysis of MTT and crystal purple decoration, respectively. The disappearance of the ascites of the mice was observed. The results showed that the levels of IL 2 and TNF in the tumor bearing mice were higher obviously in the drug treated group than in the control group , the ascites growth was inhibited. It was suggested that HAUFP could increase the levels of IL 2 and TNF of the tumor bearing mice and improve the immune function of body. The inhibitory effect of hydroxyapatite ultrofine powder on tumor and the effect on the immunity function of body were investigated. The levels of IL 2 in the spleen cells and serum TNF levels in the tumor bearing mice at the 7th day and 14th after peritoneal injection of HAUFP Were detected by using methods of colorimetric analysis of MTT and crystal purple decoration, respectively. The disappearance of the ascites of the mice was observed. The results showed that the levels of IL 2 and TNF in the tumor bearing mice were higher obviously in the It was suggested that HAUFP could increase the levels of IL 2 and TNF of the tumor bearing mice and improve the immune function of body.
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