它山之石 可以攻玉——《世界超级经济巨人》丛书评介

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自1978年后,我国经济迅猛发展,令世人刮目而视,国人皆因此深感自豪,以产业报国者日众,跻身世界经济大圈的企业渐多。相信,我国将逐步融进国际经济的大环境中。因此,洞悉国际经济潮起潮落,通观世界经济风云巨子的发家起业,掌握主流经济发展脉搏起伏,无疑对以民族经济昌盛为己任者大有裨益。这也是《世界超级经济巨人》丛书编者们的目的所在。古人云:“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为。”看世界经济强人的发迹史,多有雷同,他们大都出身寒门,百折不挠、 Since 1978, with the rapid economic development in our country, people in the world have taken great pride in their eyes. As a result, the people of our country are very proud of it. More and more businesses are serving the country by the newspaper industry and are among the largest in the world economy. Believe that our country will gradually integrate into the international economic environment. Therefore, insight into the ebb and flow of the international economy, the rise and fall of the world’s economic tycoons, and the master pulse of the mainstream economic development undoubtedly benefit the people who are economically viable in their national economy. This is where the editors of the world’s super-economic giant series are. The ancients said: “Heaven will be reduced to any person, must first bitter their minds, laboring its bones, hungry body skin, lack of body, the line fu chaos. ” See the history of the world economic fortune fortune, Many similarities, most of them were born cold, indomitable,
据报道 ,为了研究活性炭内部的结构 ,由美国新墨西哥州大学、密苏里大学、西班牙的亚利康特大学、法国 CNRS实验室、美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的科研人员组成的联合研究小
The nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) transcriptionfactor coordinates several aspects of innate and adaptiveimmunity, inflammation, cell survival and proliferati