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有一句歌词唱到,“梦想总是遥不可及”……又做了那个梦,梦里有湛蓝如洗的天空,洁白柔软的云朵,碧绿如茵的草地和开满梦幻般的紫色花朵的梧桐树。树下一架典雅的古筝,筝前静坐着一位身着烟青色薄裙的绝色女子。素白纤长的手指轻柔地拨动琴弦,流畅清冷的琴音流响而出。一曲,弦动心音。醒来,仍是缠绕于耳的悦耳琴音,那女子宁静婉约而又熟练优美的姿态镌刻于心。什么时候,我也能够像那梦中的绝世女子,拥有一手高超的琴技?“孩子,你有什么想学的吗?”彼时,妈 There is a lyrics to sing, “The dream is always out of reach ” ... And did that dream, the dream has a clear blue sky, soft white clouds, turf and full of fantastic purple Sycamore tree with flowers. Under the tree an elegant guzheng, a beautiful woman dressed in smoke-thin blue skirt sat in front of Zheng. Slim white fingers gently dial the strings, smooth and cold sound of the piano ring out. A song, chord heart sound. Wake up, or is still melodious melody wrapped in the ear, the woman quiet graceful and skilled gesture beautiful engraved in the heart. When will I be able to have superb piano skills like a peerless woman in that dream? “” Children, do you want to learn anything? "
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