Flames of Yuanmingyuan 被火烧毁的圆明园

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  1. imperial adj. 帝国的;皇家的
  2. subsequent adj. 随后的
  3. refine v. 改进;改善
  4. zodiac n. 黄道带
  5. palatial adj. 宫殿般的;宏伟的
  6. scatter v. 使分散;四散
  7. maze n. 迷宫
  8. Renaissance n. 文艺复兴
  9. loot v. 抢劫;掠夺
  10. devastate v. 毁灭
  11. attach importance to 重视
  12. facilities n. 设备;设施
  Yuanmingyuan is an imperial garden in Beijing constructed by the 4th Qing Emperor Kangxi, in 1707. Over the next 153 years, subsequent Qing emperors enlarged and refined the garden. The 6th Qing Emperor Qianlong, even absorbed Western style of palaces in it. His creation included a water fountain with the 12 zodiac animals that would sprout water at different hours of the day.
  Yuanmingyuan was considered as one of the finest examples of Chinese garden landscape. It consisted of three gardens, with Qichunyuan in the front, Yuanmingyuan on the left, and Changchunyuan on the right. The southern part of the huge garden was occupied by palatial buildings, where emperors handled state affairs. Over the rest of the garden were scattered 40 scenic areas and each consisted of smaller landscapes.
  The best-known Western structures were a fountain, a maze and European palaces, all of which took on a Renaissance style. There was a model of Venice in a small lake. The emperor’s apartments were decorated with art treasures of an astonishing richness. The garden was beautified by millions of foreign flowers and trees.
  Unfortunately, Yuanmingyuan was tragically destroyed by the British and French troops during the Second Opium War in 1860. On October 6, 1860, the British and French troops attacked and looted Yuanmingyuan. After the looting, they set fire to the entire palace. It was said that the fire lasted for 3 days and nights. Most of the Chinese style buildings constructed with wood were destroyed. In 1900, the Eight-Nation Alliance invaded and occupied Beijing. Yuanmingyuan was devastated again and the remaining treasures were looted. During the looting of Yuanmingyuan, many imperial treasures were stolen and taken out of China.
  Among the treasures stolen were the 12 bronze zodiacs sculptures that graced Emperor Qianlong’s fountains. The 12 animals represented the 24 hours of each day. Each bronze statue took turns spraying water from its mouth every 2 hours. Now, seven bronze animal statues have come back to Mainland China. The bronze heads of an ox, tiger, monkey, pig, and horse are in a collection at Poly Art Museum. The bronze heads of a rabbit and a rat are at the National Museum of China. The bronze head of a dragon is said to be in Taiwan. The other four bronze heads of a snake, goat, rooster, and dog are still missing.   After the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the Chinese government attached great importance to the protection of Yuanmingyuan ruins. A park has been established on the site of the ruins. The facilities and landscaping construction in the park have been continually improved.
  Reading Check
  1. What does the underlined word“sprout” in paragraph 1 most probably mean?
  A.Dry up. B.Take in.
  C.Send out. D.Dive in.
  2. Most of the Chinese style buildings were ruined because
摘 要:《人间失格》是日本文学史上最彻底实行无赖派精神的作家,被称为“无赖派旗手”的太宰治的代表作之一。以主人公大庭叶藏“充满羞愧的一生”为开端,作品风格贯穿了对自身存在意义的极度否定,对自身病态与罪恶的唾弃,并将自己定义为“罪恶的合集”“生下来便是阴影”,描述了主人公荒颓凄凉的悲惨人生。  关键词:罪孽;颓废;生死;自杀;唯美;悲剧  作者简介:高新檬(1995.3-),女,辽宁省盘锦市人,沈阳
作者简介  罗跃梅,中学高级教师,英国雷丁大学访问学者,贵阳市中学英语骨干教师,贵阳市班主任工作室主持人。《疯狂英语》高考研究与培训科研组核心成员之一。  智者热爱读书,慧者善做笔记。  做读书笔记是优秀读者所应具备的一种无须提醒的自觉、一种如胶似漆的情结、一种提升自我的有效途径。  德国心理学家艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线规律表明,人類记忆任何一样东西,只要过了20分钟,能记住的可能只剩下58.2%。最初的
摘 要:国内外学者对语篇的分析和研究很多,对诗歌的语篇分析却很少。本文以席兴华认知模型为理论框架,唐代诗人白居易的叙事长诗《琵琶行》为语料,从意象和叙事语篇两个方面研究了叙事诗歌的语言。  关键词:理想化认知模型;叙事诗;《琵琶行》  作者简介:谢碧容(1992-),女,汉族,山西运城人,吉林大学英语语言文学硕士。  [中图分类号]:I206 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-2139
【摘 要】  过去十年,移动学习已经从小规模研究发展成为大规模的全国性和国际性项目。然而,这个领域仍然缺乏比较研究和对实施大规模移动学习的研究。移动学习的种种形式可以看做是从“正式学习”(在固定地点,比如有教师管理的教室,使用移动设备的学习)到“非正式学习”(使用具有高度移动性的学习应用软件、由学习者自己控制的学习)的连续。近年来,研究的焦点是“无缝学习”,旨在支持跨越不同环境、使用不同设备学习的
摘要:人类存在是为了什么,人类应该怎样存在这样的问题一直是人类学家探索的话题。在《忧郁的热带》中,列维斯特劳斯便以自己的“旅行”、冒险和探索试图回答这样的一些问题。在这样探寻事物制度源头的野心下,田野变得尤为生动,却也充满了忧郁。当斯特劳斯的足迹遍布亚马逊河流域和巴西高地森林时,他似乎在丛林深处寻找到了最原始形态的人类社会,却又似乎依旧充满疑惑。  关键词:《忧郁的热带》;人类学家;结构;现代;源
【摘 要】  大规模公开在线课程(Massive Open Online Courses, MOOCs)为在线学习新增了一种选择。自2008年以来,许多公立大学和顶级大学,尤其北美地区的大学,纷纷推出MOOCs。许多学者对MOOCs感兴趣,因为他们意识到MOOCs以史无前例的规模向全球传播教育的潜力。一些学者从研究的视角所撰写的学术论文开始出现在同行评审的传统媒体上。本文系统回顾了2008-201
摘 要:从魏晋开始,历经南北朝,纵观这段历史,文学发生巨大变化。长期的战乱和分裂割据正是这一时代的基本特征。门阀制度阻止了寒士的仕进之路,于是士族和庶族形成对立的格局。伴随着门阀制度的产生,文学家族的出现也是值得注意的现象。这一代新人所追求的具有魅力和影响力的人格美就是魏晋风流。这是“玄”心灵世界的外化,也是那个乱世之下痛苦内心的折射。玄学作为魏晋时期所独有的思想文化现象,不仅批判地继承了两汉经学
印度尼西亚的一家钟表制造商有奇思妙想,正在用蘑菇根做手表的原料。  题材 创新 体裁 报道 文章词数 283 建议用时 5 min  难词探意  1. mycelium /ma??si?l??m/ n. 菌丝体  2. strap /str?p/ n. 带子  3. substance /?s?bst?ns/ n. 物質  4. allergic /??l??d??k/ adj. 变应的;过敏的 
摘 要:小说《恩惠》主要以弗洛伦斯的口吻以倒叙的方式回忆了以弗洛伦斯和“悲哀”为代表的黑人女孩经历各种成长的剧痛蜕变为成熟独立的女性的过程。本文旨在通过分析这些女性人物的成长经历,呼吁女性掌握自己的命运,勇敢地建构女性的话语和身份。  关键词:《恩惠》;女性人物;成长;独立  作者简介:张淑君,女,汉族,河南焦作人,现为郑州大学外语学院2014级硕士研究生。  [中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识
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