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劳动人民国际团结的伟大节日、各国工人阶级兄弟友爱的光荣节日到来了。全世界为和平、民主和社会主义的正义事业而斗争的人民群众,以空前未有的宏大的行列来庆祝今年的五一国际劳动节。在四十一年前纪念“五一”节的时候,斯大林同志就说过:“工人阶级运动的浪潮在不断地汹涌高涨,不断地扩展到新的国家,从欧洲和美洲以至亚洲、非洲和澳洲。”“无产阶级愤怒的海洋中澎湃的波涛,愈来愈威迫地冲击着摇摇欲坠的资本主义堡垒。”无产阶级大众满怀着对自己力量的信心,走上街头,参加“五一”节的集会和示威,“向全世界大声公开地宣告:工人要把春天带给人类并使人类挣脱资本主义的枷锁,他们负有使命在自由和社会主义的基础上创建新的世界”。斯大林同志的这些光辉的语句,在今天看来是多麽真切呵!在今天,正如毛泽东同志在悼念不朽的斯大林的论文“最伟大的友谊”中所说:全世界的局面已经根本转变了,“这即是正义的、人民民主的和社会主义的事业在世界大规模的范围内,在地球上人口三分之一——八万万人以上的范围内取得了胜利,而且这种胜利的影响,正日益普及到全世界的每一个角落”。摆脱了资本主义奴役的中国和欧洲以及亚洲的各人民民主国家,已与社会主义事业的旗手苏联在一起,组成了统一的、强大的和平、民主和社会主义阵营, The great holiday of the international solidarity of the working people and the glorious festival of the fraternity of the working class of all countries have arrived. The masses of the world who are fighting for the just cause of peace, democracy and socialism celebrate this year’s May 1 International Labor Day with an unprecedented magnitude. When Commemorating the May 1 Day 41 years ago, Comrade Stalin said: “The wave of the working class movement is constantly surging and expanding to new countries. From Europe and the Americas as well as to Asia, Africa and Australia. ”“ The surging waves in the anger-raging ocean of the proletariat have increasingly and more forcefully challenged the crumbling capitalist bastions. ”The proletarian masses, filled with confidence in their own strength, took to the streets to attend the May Day Rallies and demonstrations, “declared loud and open to the world that workers should bring spring to mankind and liberate mankind from the yoke of capitalism, and they have the mission of creating a new world on the basis of freedom and socialism.” Today, just as Comrade Mao Tse-tung said in his “Greatest Friendship,” a monumental essay on Stalin’s monumental monograph, the glorious phrases of Comrade Stalin said: “The world situation has fundamentally changed.” “ This is what justice means. People’s democracy and the cause of socialism have won victory within the scope of a large area of ​​the world within the scope of one third of the Earth’s population - more than 800 million people - and the impact of this victory , Is gaining popularity everywhere in the world. ” The peoples and democracies of China, Europe and Asia, which have escaped capitalist slavery, have joined forces with the Soviet Union, the bearer of the socialist cause, to form a united and powerful camp for peace, democracy and socialism,