涉县开发优势资源 积极发展特色产业

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近年来,涉县为加快脱贫致富奔小康步伐,坚持“因地制宜,发挥优势,扬长避短,开发资源”的指导思想,大力发展特色产业,取得较好效果。一、发挥优势,扬长避短,发展“七大支柱产业”涉县山场广阔,资源丰富,具有发展林果业和野生植物加工业的独特优势。此外,清浊两条漳河流经涉县110多公里,水源充足,冷泉资源丰富,两岸土质肥沃,自然隔离条件好,气候适宜,具有发展水产养殖业和玉米制种业的独特优势。为此,涉县根据本地实际,提出“以市场为导向,以效益为中心,以科技为先导,以农业增产、农民增收为目的,以开发特 In recent years, Shexian County has taken the guiding ideology of ”speeding up poverty alleviation and becoming prosperous and prosperous and prosperous and prosperous, adhering to the principle of“ making the best use of local conditions, exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses and developing resources ”, and energetically developed special industries and achieved good results. First, give full play to advantages and avoid weaknesses and development “seven pillar industries ” Shexian mountain field is vast, rich in resources, with the unique advantages of the development of forestry and fruit industry and wild plant processing industry. In addition, the two Changhe and Changjiang rivers flow through more than 110 kilometers of Shexian County, with abundant water resources and rich cold spring resources. The two sides have fertile soil, good natural isolation conditions and suitable climate. They have the unique advantage of developing aquaculture and corn seed industry. To this end, Shexian according to local conditions, put forward "market-oriented, efficiency as the center, science and technology as a precursor to agricultural production, peasants income for the purpose of developing special
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