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病毒性角膜炎是一种常见的感染性角膜病,是致盲的—个重要因素。由于各类新型抗病毒药物的不断出现,该病的疗效较以前有了明显的提高。但仍存在着疗效欠佳、疗程长,易复发等缺点。近年来,我院将小功率氦—氖激光应用于病毒性角膜炎的治疗,并与应用抗病毒眼药治疗进行疗效对比,取得了满意的结果。报告如下临床资料一、一般资料:本组病例共44例,随机分为二组:抗病毒眼药治疗组及氦—氖激光治疗组(下称药物组及激光组)。药物组共28例31眼。其中男性22例,女性6例,右眼12例,左眼10例,双眼6例,年龄最小者 Viral keratitis is a common infectious keratopathy that is blinding - an important factor. Due to the continuous emergence of various new types of antiviral drugs, the efficacy of the disease has been significantly improved compared to before. However, there are still some shortcomings such as poor efficacy, long course of treatment and recurrence. In recent years, our hospital will be low-power helium-neon laser applied to the treatment of viral keratitis, and with the application of anti-viral ophthalmic treatment efficacy comparison, and achieved satisfactory results. The report as follows Clinical data First, the general information: A total of 44 patients in this group, were randomly divided into two groups: anti-viral ophthalmic treatment group and helium-neon laser treatment group (hereinafter referred to as the drug group and laser group). A total of 28 cases in the drug group 31 eyes. Including 22 males and 6 females, 12 cases of right eye, 10 cases of left eye, 6 cases of both eyes, the youngest
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2007年霜降的那天上午,我们如约来到北京复兴路一部队大院总参通信部原副部长李力家里,坐在客厅里的还有其弟李伦,他是总后勤部原中将军衔的副部长。  两位老人身体都很好。80岁的李伦是为了接受采访专程从家里赶到84岁的二哥李力家里的。看得出兄弟二人很和谐,言谈举止透露出一母同胞间的神韵和默契。看到两位历史老人,我们暗暗地为他们的健康祝福。  儿时的我们非常爱看反特片。我们向两位老人一口气说出了近10
例1、张××,男,40岁,工人,1983年7月2号就诊。主诉:误将脚气灵水滴入眼内即感右眼疼痛、流泪、不能睁眼、症状逐渐加重1小时。检查:右眼视力数指/30cm, Example 1, Zhang
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故障现象:一辆运行了20万km的EQ1090型汽车大修后,出现每行驶300km~500km时,正时齿轮即损坏。 故障检查:吊下发动机解体检查,对装正时齿轮的发动机曲轴和凸轮轴轴颈的径向跳
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目的:探讨木犀草素诱导脐带间充质细胞(h UCMSCs)分化为神经细胞的潜能。方法:采用终浓度为10μg/m L中药单体木犀草素及0.5‰DMSO对人h UCMSCs进行诱导。显微镜下观察细胞形