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工程上常用悬臂梁弯曲共振法识别粘弹性材料的力学参数,而自由阻尼试件是实验中常见的结构形式,因此试件设计的合理性直接关系到材料参数的测试精度。为了能够更好地指导试件设计,首先通过灵敏度分析法定义了影响系数的含义,并将其应用于分析试件的厚度比、共振频率比、密度比等参数的误差对材料参数测试精度的影响中,进而为试件的设计提出一些有重要工程价值的技术指标。其次,基于悬臂梁弯曲共振法实验,分析得出适合采用单边自由阻尼结构试件识别的粘弹性材料。最后,对弯曲共振法中两种不同的自由阻尼试件(单边自由阻尼试件和双边自由阻尼试件)对测试精度的影响进行了比较分析,为实验中这两种结构形式的选取提供了依据。 Commonly used in the engineering cantilever beam bending resonance method to identify the mechanical parameters of viscoelastic material, while the free damping specimen is a common structural form in the experiment, so the rationality of specimen design is directly related to the accuracy of the material parameters of the test. In order to better guide the design of the test piece, the meaning of the influence coefficient is first defined by the sensitivity analysis method, and applied to the analysis of the thickness ratio of the test piece, the resonance frequency ratio, the density ratio and other parameters of the error on the material parameter testing accuracy Influence, and then for the design of the specimen put forward some important engineering value of the technical indicators. Secondly, based on the cantilever bending resonance test, the viscoelastic material suitable for the specimen identification with unilateral free damping structure is obtained. Finally, the influence of two different free-damping test specimens (one-side free damping specimen and two-side free damping specimen) on the testing accuracy is comparatively analyzed in the bending resonance method, which provides the experimental results for the selection of these two kinds of structural forms The basis.
我所于1965年11月~1985年9月收治缩小膜壳绦虫病患者6例,介绍如下。 临床资料 6例中男性1例,女性5例:年龄1.5~11岁5例,23岁1例。大便排节片4例,粪检时发现缩小膜壳绦虫卵2例。
1987年4月和9月间,我市先后发生两起狂犬咬伤多人的事件,当对我站门诊按犬或其它动物抓咬后的诊疗常规处理,收到近期满意效果,现将咬伤和处理过程报告如下。 一、门诊大伤诊
作者于1979年3月至1980年10月,在三个医院,以80例阿米巴肝脓肿患者,随机分为2组,分别给予氯甲咪唑和甲硝磺酰咪唑,晨及晚各1 g的一日疗法,进行观察。阿米巴肝脓肿的诊断依据
中铝洛铜进入本世纪以来,步入了发展的快车道。污染物排放得到全面有效控制,工业废水实现零排放,工业废气达标排放。 Chinalco entered the fast lane of development since