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特权辩护新闻单位享有对官方活动进行真实、公正报道的特权。这里所说的官方活动,不仅包括政府机构,而且还应把立法、司法及其它一些处理公共事务或由公职身份、官方名义进行的活动都包括在内。然而,这些活动往往又被形形色色的屏障所掩盖。记者要想写出准确翔实的报道,还必需多方探究,广泛听取与此 Privileges and defenses The news units enjoy the privilege of making true and fair reports of official activities. The official activities mentioned here include not only government agencies, but also legislation, judicature and other activities that deal with public affairs or are held in official capacity and in official capacity. However, these activities are often overshadowed by all kinds of barriers. Reporters want to write accurate and informative reports, but also need to explore many, widely heard of this
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Based on group theory and atomic and molecular reaction statics, this paper derives the possible electronic states of C22+ , C22- and C23+, and their reasonable