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在异彩纷呈的花朵世界里,有这样一种花,她与雍容华贵联系得最为紧密,绚丽的色彩、丰满的花冠让游人都为之侧目;在武则天于寒冬令百花盛开的传说中,惟有她傲然独立,从此与一座城市有了不解之缘。如今,这朵花织就的花毯网罗来了四海游客,这座城市在仲春时节成为欢乐的海洋。这就是牡丹,这就是洛阳。从3000多年前,牡丹以“木芍药”之名被载入的《诗经》之中,人们对牡丹的喜好和培养从来都没有停止过。今天,育种技术让牡丹有更丰富的花型花色,催花技术让牡丹在寒冬绽放,在这个春天,你能在洛阳看到更华贵更神奇的牡丹花朵。 In the colorful world of flowers, there is such a flower. She is most closely associated with the magnificence of grace, brilliant colors, full of corolla so that visitors are unforgettable; in the legend of Wu Zetian in the winter so that flowers bloom, only she proudly Independence, and from a city has a bond. Nowadays, this flower-woven tapestry covers all over the world, making the city a joyous sea during mid-spring. This is peony, this is luoyang. From more than 3,000 years ago, Peony was loaded into the Book of Songs under the name of “wood peony.” People’s preferences and training for peony never stopped. Today, breeding techniques give Peony a richer floral pattern, reminding flowers that peony blooms in the cold, and in this spring you can see even more luxurious and magical peony flowers in Luoyang.
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