人体的性状十分复杂,包括体形、容貌、血型、皮肤纹理、毛发、智力、运动能力、疾病等许多方面。有的性状完全由遗传决定。决定性状遗传的基因又有显性隐性之分。人类繁多的遗传性状,在不同的个体要全部相同,除了一卵双生子外,可以说是不可能的。教师可以组织一次实验,就下列十种易于辨识而又不会有损学生自尊的遗传性状,让学生自我检查或请同学协助检查。通过实验加深对遗传现象的认识,提高学生的学习兴趣和分析思考问题的能力。实验步骤 1.分组,为便于实验检查,可将学生分成两人一组。 2.分发事先准备好的实验记录纸。记录纸式样如下:
The traits of the human body are complex and include many aspects such as body shape, appearance, blood type, skin texture, hair, intelligence, athletic ability, disease and many more. Some traits are entirely genetic. Inherited genes determine dominant recessive points. It is impossible for human beings to have all the same genetic traits in different individuals, except for one twins. Teachers can organize an experiment to allow students to self-check or ask their classmates to help check the following ten genetic traits that are easy to identify without impairing their self-esteem. Through experiments to deepen the understanding of genetic phenomena, improve students’ interest in learning and analysis of thinking ability. Experimental steps 1. Grouping, for the convenience of laboratory tests, students can be divided into two groups. 2. Distribute pre-prepared experimental recording paper. Record paper style is as follows: