课题是研究的起点,它决定着研究的价值。如何确定研究课题、确定什么研究课题是教育实践研究中必须关注的问题。 一、教育实践研究课题的确定 目前,有些幼儿园在确定研究课题时,常常会出现以下一些现象: (1)紧跟潮流。有的幼儿园或教师为了追求有价值的研究课题,会不管自身的特点与条件,盲目地“赶时髦”“追潮流”,造成研究课题的“一窝蜂”现象。
The subject is the starting point of the study, which determines the value of the study. How to determine the research topic and what research topic to determine are the problems that must be paid attention to in the research of educational practice. First, the study of educational practice to determine the subject At present, some kindergartens in determining the research topics, there will often be the following phenomena: (1) keep up with the trend. In pursuit of valuable research projects, some kindergartens or teachers blindly “catch the trend” and “catch the trend” regardless of their own characteristics and conditions, causing “rush” of research projects.