
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaomayc
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农村实行生产责任制后,广大农民迫切要求发展生产,劳动致富。什么是发展生产、劳动致富的金钥匙呢?是科学技术。1981年六月,涟水县成集公社的领导从全公社普查中发现,一方面农民科学种田的水平还不高,种多产量低,肥多苗不壮,药多虫不死的现象比较普遍;另一方面,农民中又有着丰富的智力资源,全社青年农民中有初、高中毕业生6405人,占全社总人口的20%。他们认为,从发展生产看,这批力量不充分利用,实在是极大的浪费,要是让这些有文化的青年再学会科学种田的本领,就能如虎添翼。于是,他们决定开办业余农技校。 1981年9月1日,成集公社业余农技校正式开 After the implementation of the production responsibility system in rural areas, the peasants urgently demanded the development of production and labor enrichment. What is the golden key to the development of production and labor to get rich? It is science and technology. In June 1981, the leader of the Chengji Commune of Sishui County discovered from the census of the entire communes that, on the one hand, the level of farmer scientific farming was not high, the variety of crops was low, the seedlings were not strong, and the phenomenon of immortality was more common. On the other hand, the peasants also have abundant intellectual resources. Among the young peasants of the whole society, there are 6405 graduates of junior and senior high schools, accounting for 20% of the total population of the whole society. They believe that from the point of view of development and production, these forces are not being fully utilized. It is a great waste. If these cultivating youths can learn the skills of scientific farming, they can be even more powerful. As a result, they decided to open an amateur farming school. September 1, 1981, Chengji Commune Amateur Agricultural Correction
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