
来源 :华农科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yong1123
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粘虫是麦类作物的主要害虫,本地历年来都有发生,对小麦造成不同程度的危害。为了掌握粘虫的虫态发育历期,提供预测预报的依据,进行防治,我组对粘虫个体发育的历期及主要形态特征,进行了室内和室外(养虫笼饲养)的初步观察。现将粘虫在张渡湖地区主要为害代第一代的观察结果整理如下。卵一、卵的历期:观察方法是于成虫发生期(三月上旬至四月中旬),在晚上从田间捕回成虫,放在室外养虫笼内饲养,待成虫产卵后,对卵的历期进行了观察。其观察记载如下表: Mythimna separata is the major pest of the wheat crop, which has taken place throughout the years and has caused various degrees of harm to wheat. In order to master the developmental stages of Mythimna separata and provide the basis for forecasting and forecasting, we conducted a preliminary observation indoor and outdoor (rearing cages) for the duration and the main morphological characteristics of Mythimna separate (Mythimna separata Walker). Now the armyworm in Zhangdu Lake region mainly on behalf of the first generation of damage results are summarized below. Egg, the egg’s duration: The observation method is in the adult period (early March to mid-April), capture adult from the field in the evening, placed in outdoor rearing cages feeding until the adults lay eggs, the eggs The duration of the observation. The observation records as follows:
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斑须蝽 Dolycoris baccarum(Linnaeus),又称细毛蝽,属半翅目,蝽科。斑须蝽在全国各烟区都有发生,近几年来在山东潍坊烟区和河南许昌烟区已成为日趋严重的害虫之一。它是杂食
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