学好业务 多做贡献

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为革命学好业务,钻研技术,学得越多越精,为人民服务的本领就越高,对革命的贡献就越大;不认真学习,不掌握为人民服务的本领,就谈不上为人民服务,更谈不上为革命多做贡献了。一个赤脚医生,只有在坚持政治挂帅的前提下,为革命勤奋学习,为人民钻研医疗技术,并且象白求恩那样对技术精益求精,才能做好防病治病工作,为彻底改变农村缺医少药状况,为实现四个现代化贡献力量。以前由于“四人帮”的干扰破坏,我们不敢认真钻研业务工作,怕扣上“白专”的帽子,甚至错误地认为“只要思想红,不怕业务生”。打倒“四人帮”,思想得解放。我和卫生所里的同志一起认真学习毛主席“又红又专”的教导和华主席关于“要提倡为革命学习文化,学习技术,精通业务,又红又专”的指示,批判“四人帮”歪曲红专关系的谬论,划清了界线,提高了认识。 For the revolution to learn business, to study technology, to learn more and more refined, the higher the ability to serve the people, the greater the contribution to the revolution; not seriously study, do not master the ability to serve the people, not to mention the people Services, let alone make more contributions to the revolution. A barefoot doctor can only work hard for the revolution and study medical technology for the people on the premise of adhering to politics. He must do the same with Bethune’s technical excellence in order to prevent and cure the illness. To contribute to the realization of the four modernizations. In the past, due to the disruption and disruption of the Gang of Four, we did not dare to diligently study the business work, feared that we would deduct the “white special” hat, and even mistakenly believed that “as long as we think red, we are not afraid of business students”. When the “Gang of Four” was overthrown, the mind was liberated. Together with the comrades in the health clinics, I seriously studied Chairman Mao’s “red and specialized” teaching and Chairman Hua’s instructions on “to promote learning culture for the revolution, study technology, be proficient in business, and be red and special” and criticize the “gang of four”. The paradox that distort the red monopoly has drawn the line and raised awareness.
敬爱的周总理离开我们已经整整一年了。在全国人民热烈庆祝华国锋同志在党中央主席、中央军委主席和粉碎王张江姚反党集团篡党夺权阴谋的伟大胜利的今天,我们赤脚医 The be
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