
来源 :河北林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaollxiao
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苹果蠹蛾Lαspeyresiα Pomonellα(L·)又名苹果小卷蛾属鳞翅目,小卷叶蛾科。该虫在我国仅发生于新疆维吾尔自治区。主要为害苹果、沙果、梨,也能为害桃、杏、石榴、榅桲、野山栌、野苹果、英国胡桃等。幼虫蛀食果实为害,俗称食心虫。幼虫蛀果,不仅降低果品质量,而且造成大量落果。在新疆,第1代幼虫对苹果和沙果的蛀果率,常达50%左右,第2代可达80%以上,库尔勒的香梨,在采收时蛀果率常达40%。 Lesser codling moth Lαspeyresiα Pomonellα (L ·), also known as the apple snake moth Lepidoptera, small leaf moth family. The insects in our country only occurred in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The main damage to apples, sago, pears, peach can also be harmful, apricot, pomegranate, 榅 桲, wild mountain 栌, wild apple, British walnut and so on. Larvae eaten fruit damage, commonly known as wormwood. Larvae bore fruit, not only reduce the quality of fruit, but also caused a large number of fruit drop. In Xinjiang, the first generation of larvae on apple and sandy fruit decay rate, often up to about 50%, the second generation of up to 80%, Korla pear, borer fruit yield often up to 40%.
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又名Blond Plantago,Blonde Psyllium,Englishman’sFoot,Indian Plantago,Ispagol,Pale Psyllium,Plantaginisovatae semen,Plantaginis ovatae testa,Psyllium,SandPlantai
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