展示新成就 欢庆十六大 现代工业:小荷已露尖尖角

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党的十五大以来,海南各级党组织坚持以邓小平理论为指导,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,紧紧抓住加快发展这一主题,实施“一省两地”产业发展战略,夯实经济基础,调整经济结构,在发展中解决历史遗留问题,在发展中解决前进中的困难,国民经济步入了稳健发展的轨道。同时,不断推进党的建设新的伟大工程,使各级党组织的凝聚力、战斗力不断增强。为此,本刊特组织一组报道,从不同的角度展现党的十五大以来海南工业、农业、旅游业及党建方面所取得的辉煌成就,展现人民生活的巨大变化,向党的十六大献礼。 Since the 15th CPC National Congress, Hainan’s party organizations at all levels have consistently adhered to the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, fully implemented the important idea of ​​the “three represents,” and firmly grasp the theme of “accelerating development” and implementing “two provinces and one province”. Industrial development strategies, consolidating the economic base, adjusting the economic structure, solving the problems left over by history in development, and solving the difficulties in progress in development, the national economy has entered a steady development track. At the same time, the party has continued to promote the construction of new great projects, so that the party organizations at all levels of cohesion and combat effectiveness continue to increase. To this end, the magazine organizes a series of reports to show from a different perspective the brilliant achievements made by the party since the 15th National Party Congress in Hainan’s industry, agriculture, tourism and party building, showing the tremendous changes in people’s lives, to the party’s 16th Great gift.
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