
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a69ywc97
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东北这地方,时至10月中旬,无情的霜冻便频频光临,摧残着各种植物。无论多么翠绿的芳草,多么鲜艳的花朵,谁也别想逃此一劫。我在楼前种了几种花儿,寒霜一降,只好选俏丽的花儿剪下来插在瓶中。一周后,许多花儿开始凋谢,唯独几株红色蜀葵犹如唐菖蒲一般一朵接一朵地绽放,而且依然如生长在室外地上一样大,一样艳。准确地说在水中插养,蜀葵胜似唐菖蒲。唐菖蒲 Northeast this place, until mid-October, merciless frost will visit frequently, devastating all kinds of plants. No matter how green grass, how bright flowers, who do not want to escape this unjust. I planted several flowers in front of the building, frost and down, had to choose pretty flowers cut into the bottle. A week later, many flowers began to wither. Only a few red hollyhocks bloomed like gladiolus, one after another, and were still as bright and colorful as they were grown outdoors. Accurately inserted in the water, hollyhock wins like gladiolus. Gladiolus
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一滴水可以折射太阳的光辉,而创新则可以折射企业寻求进化的强烈意愿,在开放与市场化的自然选择下,锐意变革的企业才有可能成为优秀的“物种”。 A drop of water can refle