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于2010—2011年选用高产小麦品种济麦22进行大田试验,设置0~20 cm(W_1)、0~40 cm(W_2)、0~60 cm(W_3)和0~140cm(W_4)4个测墒补灌土层,于越冬期(目标相对含水量均为75%)、拔节期(目标相对含水量均为70%)和开花期(目标相对含水量均为70%)进行测墒补灌,以全生育期不灌水处理(W_0)为对照,研究不同土层测墒补灌对冬小麦耗水特性及产量的影响.结果表明:小麦越冬期、拔节期和开花期补充灌水量为W_3>W_2>W_1,W_4处理小麦越冬期和拔节期补充灌水量较少,但开花期补灌量显著高于其他处理;全生育期补灌量占总耗水量的比例为W_4、W_3>W_2>W_1.土壤水消耗量占总耗水量的比例为W_1>W_2>W_3>W_4;随测墒补灌土层深度的增加,土壤水消耗量占总耗水量的比例减少;W_2处理80~140cm和160~200 cm土层土壤水消耗量显著高于W_3和W_4处理.各处理的总补灌量为W_3>W_4>W_2>W_1;籽粒产量为W_2、W_3、W_4>W_1>W_0,W_2、W_3、W_4间无显著差异;水分利用效率为W_2、W_4>W_0、W_1>W_3,W_2与W_4之间无显著差异.综合考虑灌水量、籽粒产量和水分利用效率,W_2处理是本试验条件下的最佳处理,即以0~40 cm土层测墒补灌效果最优. In 2010-2011, high yielding wheat cultivar Jimai 22 was used to conduct field experiments. There were 4 measurements of 0-20 cm (W_1), 0-40 cm (W_2), 0-60 cm (W_3) and 0-140 cm (W_4) Moisture compensatory soil layer, during winter (target relative water content of 75%), jointing (target relative water content of 70%) and flowering (target relative water content of 70% (W_0) was used as a control to study the effects of soil moisture supplementation with different soil moisture on water consumption characteristics and yield of winter wheat.The results showed that the amount of supplementary irrigation at winter, jointing and flowering stages was W_3> W_2> W_1 and W_4 were less suitable for winter wheat irrigation and jointing stage, but the amount of supplementary irrigation at flowering stage was significantly higher than that of other treatments. The ratio of supplementary irrigation to total water consumption during the whole growth period was W_4 and W_3> W_2> W_1 . The proportion of soil water consumption to total water consumption was W_1> W_2> W_3> W_4. The proportion of soil water consumption to total water consumption decreased with the increase of depth of soil cover by soil moisture measurement. The soil water consumption in ~ 200 cm soil layer was significantly higher than that of W_3 and W_4 treatments, and the total irrigation amount of each treatment was W_3> W_4> W_2> W_1. The grain yield was W_2, W_3, W_4> W_1> W_0, 2, W_3 and W_4, and there was no significant difference in WUE between W_2, W_4> W_0, W_1> W_3, W_2 and W_4.With consideration of irrigation amount, grain yield and water use efficiency, Under the optimum conditions, soil moisture at 0 ~ 40 cm was the best.