立党为公 执政为民 开创司法工作新局面

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司法是维护社会公平与正义的最后一道防线。如何在社会主义市场经济的新形势下进一步做好司法行政系统的党风廉政建设和反腐败工作。是关系能否更好地维护司法公正、伸张社会正义的一件大事。几年来,宁夏回族自治区司法厅按照中央确定的反腐败工作总体部署和自治区党委、政府的要求,以解决司法行政系统在党风廉政建设方面存在的突出问题为突破口,以严格监督考核为动力。党风廉政建设和反腐败工作初见成效。——领导带头。齐抓共管。使党风廉政建设由“一人抓”变为“大家抓”。 Justice is the last line of defense in safeguarding social fairness and justice. How to Do a Better Job in the Construction of Party Conduct and Incorruptible Government and Anti-corruption in the Judicial Administrative System under the New Situation of Socialist Market Economy. It is a major issue whether the relationship can better safeguard judicial justice and promote social justice. In recent years, the Justice Department of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has taken the overall oversight of anti-corruption work as determined by the central authorities and the requirements of the party committees and governments in the autonomous regions as a breakthrough to solve the outstanding problems existing in the administration of a clean and honest government and the judicial supervision system. The work of building a clean government and fighting corruption have achieved initial success. - Leader take the lead. Make concerted efforts. Make the construction of party style and clean government from “one person caught” to “everyone caught”.
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