
来源 :植物生态学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangchao1011
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青藏高原是气候变化的敏感区,该区域作物生产受气候变暖的影响较大,但至今仍缺乏相关的田间实证研究。探讨青藏高原作物生长发育对气候变暖的响应特征,对该区域作物生产技术的创新具有重要意义。该研究以高产优质冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)品种‘山冬6号’为试验材料,在拉萨市农业科学研究所科研基地进行田间远红外增温试验,研究了日平均气温升高1.1℃对冬小麦物质分配和转运的影响。研究表明:增温处理下,播种至开花阶段群体水平的干物质积累速率、籽粒干物质分配比例和开花前贮藏同化物转运量对籽粒产量的贡献率分别比对照提高了27.5%、5.6%和68.6%,但是开花至成熟期群体水平的干物质积累速率和籽粒干物质分配量无显著差异;增温提高了冬小麦的氮积累能力,成熟期氮向籽粒的分配比例及开花期营养器官中贮存的氮向籽粒的转运率均高于对照处理,分别高6.0%和5.5%;与对照相比,增温处理的收获指数无显著差异,但籽粒产量、氮吸收效率、氮肥偏生产力和氮收获指数均显著高于对照。该试验预期升温1.1℃将促进高海拔地区冬小麦干物质向籽粒分配和转运,有利于冬小麦高产和氮高效利用。 The Tibetan Plateau is a sensitive area for climate change. Crop production in this area is greatly affected by the warming of the climate. However, there is still a lack of relevant field empirical studies to date. It is of great significance to discuss the response characteristics of crop growth and development to climate warming in the Tibetan Plateau, which is of great significance to the innovation of crop production technology in this region. In this study, a high-yielding and high-quality winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) variety ’Shandong 6’ was used as experimental material to conduct field far-infrared temperature-rising experiment at Lhasa Agricultural Science Research Station. The effects of increasing 1.1 ℃ daily temperature on the yield of winter wheat Effects of distribution and transshipment. The results showed that the contribution rate of dry matter accumulation rate, dry matter partition ratio of grains and assimilate storage before flowering on grain yield increased by 27.5%, 5.6% and 68.6%, but there was no significant difference in dry matter accumulation rate and grain dry matter allocation between flowering stage and mature stage. Increasing temperature increased the nitrogen accumulation ability of winter wheat, the proportion of nitrogen to grains and the vegetative organs in flowering stage The translocation rate of nitrogen to grain was higher than that of the control, which was 6.0% and 5.5% higher than the control respectively. There was no significant difference in the harvest index of the warming compared with the control, but the grain yield, nitrogen absorption efficiency, nitrogen partial yield and nitrogen harvest Index were significantly higher than the control. The experiment predicted that warming 1.1 ℃ would promote the distribution and transport of dry matter to grain in winter wheat at high altitude, which is good for high yield of winter wheat and efficient use of nitrogen.