在益阳市桥北,资水河畔,屹立着一幢平实的七层大楼,这就是益阳市烟草专卖局(公司)。院内花木葱笼,一排醒目的档案宣传橱窗靠墙站立;四楼西边,三间档案室窗明几净,排列有序,显示出这里的档案工作一派生机。 那么,是什么原因促使益阳市烟草专卖局(公司)如此重视档案工作的呢?事情还得从1997年说起。益阳市烟草专卖局(公司)组建于1984年底,从组建之日起,局(公司)领导对档案工作还是比较重视的,市局(公司)机关综合档案室在1992年被评为省二级。但局(公司)里个别同志却对档案工作不以为然,一件偶然的事件使这些同志的思想受到了极大的震动,完全改变了他们对档案工作的认识。1997年2月,益阳市烟草专卖局(公司)为理清与长沙烟厂和郴州烟厂的
Bridge in the north of Yiyang City, Zishui River, stands a flat seven-storey building, which is Yiyang Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (company). Courtyard green Cong, a row of eye-catching archival windows stand against the wall; west of the fourth floor, the three archives window a few clean, arranged in an orderly manner, showing the archives here a decent life. So, what is the reason prompted Yiyang Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (company) so attached importance to the file? Things have to start from 1997. Yiyang Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (the company) was established in the end of 1984, from the date of the establishment, Bureau (company) leadership on the file or more attention, the Bureau (company) comprehensive archives in 1992 was rated as provincial level two . However, some comrades in the Bureau (the Company) disagreed with the archives work. The accidental incident greatly shocked the comrades’ thinking and completely changed their understanding of archival work. February 1997, Yiyang Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (company) to sort out and Changsha Tobacco Factory and Chenzhou Tobacco Factory