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根据沈阳市郊在茄子、辣椒、甘蓝、洋葱、茼蒿、小白菜和芫荽等的猝倒病菌的分离结果,诱致苗床猝倒病的主要病原菌为丝核菌,其次为腐霉菌,最少为镰刀菌。但在个别蔬菜如洋葱病苗中,腐霉菌猝倒病首的数量也很多。通过室内茄子幼苗土壤施药防治的二次试验结果,有7种不同种类的药剂和它们15种不同组合的处理,发病率都低于对照区。证明这些药剂都有防病保苗的作用,但其中以五氯硝基苯为主的混用药剂防治效果最好。五氯硝基苯单用虽亦能收到相当好的效果,但无兼治其他病菌的能力。在丝核病数量降低时,其他病菌的数量则会有所增长,因此防治蔬菜苗床猝倒病,采取土壤药剂混用是一个很好的途径。 According to the isolation results of the off-season germs of eggplant, pepper, cabbage, onion, chrysanthemum, Chinese cabbage and coriander in the suburbs of Shenyang, the main pathogen causing the damping-off disease was Rhizoctonia, followed by Pythium, and at least Fusarium. However, in individual vegetables such as onion disease vaccine, the number of cases of Pythium damping-off disease is also a lot. Through the secondary test results of indoor eggplant seedling application prevention and control, there are 7 different kinds of agents and their 15 different combinations of treatment, the incidence was lower than the control area. Proves that these agents have the role of disease prevention and seedling protection, but among them, the best mixed pest control agent is pentachloronitrobenzene. Pentachloronitrobenzene alone can also receive very good results, but not the ability to treat other pathogens. When the number of mitosis is reduced, the number of other pathogens will increase, so it is a good way to prevent and cure the vegetable seedling bed damping-off disease and to take the mixture of soil medicaments.
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