Efficient idler broadening via oppositely dual-chirped difference frequency generation

来源 :HighPowerLaserScienceandEngineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seanzhow
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Dual-chirped difference frequency generation (DFG) is an advantageous technique for generating the broadband mid-infrared (IR) idler wave, which is inaccessible by a population-inversion-based laser system. In principle, the generated idler wave may even suffer a spectrum broadening compared with the driving pulsed lasers if the pump and signal waves are oppositely chirped. However, broadband phase-matching is always the determining factor for the resulting efficiency and the bandwidth of the generated idler wave. In this study, specific to an oppositely dual-chirped DFG scheme, we derive the precondition to realize broadband frequency conversion, wherein a negative
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提出一种基于分布反馈光注入锁定效应的可调谐光电振荡器, 其环路主要由马赫曾德尔调制器、光电探测器、环形器、分布反馈激光器和射频放大器顺接而成.分布反馈激光器是系统关键器件, 通过分布反馈激光器光注入锁定效应, 分布反馈腔在光域实现了微波光子滤波器功能, 无需传统光电振荡器必须的射频带通滤波器.同时, 由于分布反馈激光器注入锁定提高了环路Q值, 因此系统可采用短环路结构, 从而降低了光纤因温度敏感对微波信号稳定性的影响并减小了整个系统的尺寸.另外, 通过调节注入光波长和功率可改变该微波光子滤波器的中心频率,
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采用标准光荧光方法,在不加入探针或荧光、磷光染料的情况下,测量了具有56个和29个碱基的两种核酸单链样品的光致发光特性;该方法不会对样品造成破坏或污染。结果表明:当激发波长在310~410 nm之间时,能够在410~480 nm波长区间观测到样品明显的发光峰;两种样品的发光峰随着抽运波长的红移而红移,且发光峰的强度随激发波长的增加而先增强后减弱;具有两种不同碱基数和序列的核酸样品由于具有不同的电子能级结构而显示出了不同的光致发光特性,原理上可以用于甄别两种不同的核酸材料,有助于单链核酸样品的无损、无标记检