
来源 :矿床地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guaitaidejiao
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磁海铁 (钴 )矿床颇具特色 ,以“石榴石 -透辉石 -磁铁矿”为基本矿石建造 ;成矿作用发生在早二叠世北山裂陷作用和火成活动晚期 ,以基性次火山岩浆期后富铁流体的 (交代 )充填为成矿方式 ,矿体产于辉绿岩体原生裂隙系统 ;成矿流体的化学演化具有典型 (火山 )岩浆期后热液演化特点 ,形成了一系列热液蚀变体 ,其中石榴石透辉石岩有别于传统理解的“夕卡岩”;成矿物质源于碱性玄武岩浆 ,基性次火山岩浆多次脉动式入侵是矿床形成的必要条件。文章较系统阐明了磁海矿床的成矿地质地球化学特征 ,证实了它的次火山热液成矿特征 The magnetic iron-cobalt (cobalt) deposits are characterized by “garnet-diopside-magnetite” as the basic ore; the mineralization took place in the Early Permian Beishan rifting and late Crematism, After subvolcanic magmatism, the (accountable) filling of iron-rich fluid is a metallogenic method, and the orebodies are produced in the diabase primary fracture system. The chemical evolution of ore-forming fluids has the characteristics of hydrothermal evolution after the typical (volcanic) magmatic period A series of hydrothermal alteration, in which garnet diopside is different from the traditional understanding of “skarn”; ore-forming materials from alkaline basalt magma, basic subvolcanic magma multiple pulsatile invasion is the deposit The necessary conditions for the formation. The article systematically elucidates the geological and geochemical characteristics of the magnetocaloric deposits and confirms the hydrothermal mineralization characteristics of its subvolcanic deposits
任惠中(指导老师)任惠中1958年生,山东莱州人。先后毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系中国画专业,中央美术学院首届中国画专业博士课程班。现为中国美术家协会会员,解放军艺 Ren H
An integrated downconverter with high linearity for digital broadcasting system receivers is implemented in a 0.13 m CMOS process with an active area of 0.1 mm2
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摘 要:交通拥堵、环境污染、日常出行安全度降低等问题都在不同程度上影响了城市居民的日常生活与工作,城市居民对于功能单一、非人性化的慢行条件越来越感到乏味和不满足。其不仅表现在功能老化、缺失等安全性问题上,还体现在市民心理生理以及审美上对慢行条件的追求。一个理想的慢行系统必须要结合功能设计、人性化设计、无障碍设计还有绿色生态设计进行。  关键词:城市道路;慢行系统;人性化设计;无障碍设计  慢行系统