标新不立异 推陈且出新——我读《随心所欲说英语》系列之《校园英语》&《艺术英语》

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学习英语接触英语已经很多年,以至于面对英语文字难免产生视觉疲劳的我,常常会立于偌大的书摊前,对琳琅满目却华而无实万象包罗却非粗即浅的各类英语助学工具书籍徒然兴叹。当前国人学习英语的氛围可谓如火如荼,但要达到出口成章、随心所欲表达所思所想的境界仍非一日之功。大多数英语爱好者的最大困扰莫过于十年苦读语法规律详记于心,题海战里得心应手,情景会话却哑口结舌。对英语娴熟的运用和掌握仅限于阅读和写作的层面,口语表达要么是让自己都难堪的哑巴英语,要么是让老外摸不着头脑的中式英语,因此衍生的误会和笑话不胜枚举。因此,针对如何练就地道娴熟的口语的工具书籍应运而生,类别繁多,五花八门,应有尽有,读者的选择性固然很大,但书品良莠不齐,恐一般读者难以区分辨别。初读《随心所欲?校园英语》,便被其集趣味性指导性和时尚性于一体的风格深深吸引,顿感心动,欣喜中随即再阅系列之《艺术英语》,果然是一脉相承的寓教于乐,标新而不立异,推陈且又出新。那份难以掩饰却又无法言说的激动,分明有如重逢睽违多年的故人旧友。 English has been learning English for many years, so that in the face of the inevitable visual fatigue of English writing, I often stand in front of a huge bookstore, but it does not cover all sorts of beautiful, Learn tools books in vain. At present, the atmosphere of people learning English can be described as in full swing, but it is still not a single day to reach the goal of exporting as one wishes. Most English enthusiasts than the biggest problem of decades studying grammar rules in mind, the title of the sea handy, scene conversation is dumbfounding. The use and mastery of English is limited to reading and writing. Oral expression is either dumb English that embarrasses oneself or Chinese English that puzzled foreigners. Therefore, there are many misunderstandings and jokes. Therefore, there are many kinds of books on how to practice authentic spoken English. There are a great variety of books and a wide variety of books. The reader’s choice is great but the books are so mixed that it is hard for readers to distinguish them from others. The first reading of “Free Will? Campus English” is deeply attracted by its style of combining the instructive and fashionable nature with a heart-warming touch and joyful reread series of “Art English” In the music, the new standard is not innovative, pushing the old and new. The share of hard to hide but can not say the excitement, clearly as friends and resentment for many years old friends.
Grand succès de Brel,Ne me quitte pas a été chanté,au fil des ans,par Céline Dion,Simone Langlois,Barbara,Catherine Ribeiro,Pierre Bachelet,Nina Simone,Dee
The laser performance of a new Yb:germanophosphate(Yb:GP) glass is investigated. A maximum output power of 826 m W at 1063 nm is achieved with direct diode pump
本文选取风景区水上人行桥作为研究对象,以设计艺术学独特的角度,兼顾桥梁工程学原理,重点运用传统美学、景观学知识,构思设计流程,优化设计方案。 This paper selects the
[摘要]本文主要从文本阅读角度讨论了普通高校英美文学教学的新策略。提出了文本阅读教学的三策略,即:课前细节阅读、课前背景知识阅读及“讲-读式”阅读策略。  [关键词]英美文学教学 阅读文本 阅读策略  [中图分类号]G42[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1009-5349(2011)09-0224-01    英美文学课程是普通高等院校英语专业高年级的必修课和主干课。其教学目的是让学生不仅掌握丰富的英