
来源 :公路交通科技(应用技术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yrrej86
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随着经济社会的快速发展,城市汽车保有量迅猛增长,机动车交通拥堵现象越来越突出,为了解决这一问题,交通规划设计者做了大量研究工作,如优化路网规划、增加机动车道数、渠化交通等。但是,在有限的城市空间内,由于土地的利用形态是多样的,道路占地与城市其他用地(生活、商业、休憩、办公)有密切关系,道路用地的增加必然引起其他用地的减少,因此道路的红线宽度不可能无限增大。仅仅靠增加道路条数来提高通行能力来解决交通拥堵可行性不大。在这种情况下,用科学合理的现代化管理手段,提高现有公路的通行能力,可以起到事半功倍的效果。本文就是从影响通行能力的人为因素入手,分析、研究、探讨影响通行能力原因,提出解决问题的办法和措施。 With the rapid development of economy and society, the urban car ownership increases rapidly and the phenomenon of traffic jams in motor vehicles becomes more and more prominent. To solve this problem, traffic planners have done a great deal of research work, such as optimizing road network planning and increasing the number of motor vehicle lanes Number of canal traffic and so on. However, due to the diversified land use patterns in limited urban space, the land occupation of the road is closely related to other sites in the city (living, commercial, open space and office), and the increase of road land use will inevitably lead to the reduction of other land use areas The red line width of the road can not be infinitely increased. Just by increasing the number of roads to improve traffic capacity to solve traffic congestion is not feasible. Under such circumstances, the scientific and rational means of modern management to improve the capacity of the existing highways can play a multiplier effect. This article is from the human factors affecting the capacity to start, analyze, research, explore the impact of capacity reasons, put forward solutions to the problems and measures.
偶然的机会,看到了这样的一则语录“我听过了,就忘记了;我看过了,就知道了;我做了,就记住了”。这则语录对我的教学影响很大,以此为戒,在积极响应学校教改的同时,我投身到这场轰轰烈烈的改革中,在教学中大胆尝试,试图创建一个“少教多学的有效课堂”,我是从以下几方面入手的:  一、创设有效教学情境,激发参与热情  《数学课程标准》中明确指出“从学生的实际出发,创设有助于学生自主学习的问题情境,引导学生学生
Unconventional oil and gas step into a new area of global oil and gas exploration due to the success of the development of shale gas of America.Unconventional t
摘要:课堂教学是艺术,可以精雕细琢;课堂教学是科学,应该有严谨的结构、可循的规律。  关键词:音乐课堂教学;结构  课堂教学是艺术,可以精雕细琢;课堂教学是科学,应该有严谨的结构、可循的规律。至于如何雕琢、如何认识其内部规律,使之理性化和具有概括性,从而更具普遍指导意义。  一、为什么要研究结构  1、是提高课堂效益的必要。提高课堂效益是每位老师的希望。如果在上课前认真思考这节课哪些结构是贯穿性的