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目的:基于组织异体移植技术,研究将正常SD(Sprague-Dawley)大鼠阴茎海绵体组织和盆神经节移植到Nu/Nu裸鼠肾被膜下的可行性。方法:无菌条件下获取SD大鼠阴茎组织和盆神经节,在手术显微镜下将上述组织移植到Nu/Nu裸鼠肾被膜下,分别于移植后1周和4周检测移植物的组织病理学变化及移植物内部细胞增殖情况。结果:移植1周后,移植到Nu/Nu裸鼠肾被膜下的阴茎海绵体组织与正常阴茎海绵体组织形态一致,在阴茎海绵体窦内充满血液;移植4周后,靠近肾的阴茎海绵体组织接近正常组织形态,而远离肾的阴茎海绵体组织表现为纤维化,仍可在阴茎海绵体窦观察到血液。盆神经节移植后1周,移植物内部组织结构与正常盆神经节相近,可见多个“细胞团”样结构存在,在靠近肾的部位有新生血管样结构形成;移植后4周,在远离肾的盆神经节组织内观察到血管存在,“细胞团”样结构仍较明显。此外,移植后4周,移植到Nu/Nu裸鼠肾被膜下的海绵体组织和盆神经节中可见ki67阳性的细胞存在,提示移植物内部分细胞仍存在增殖活性。结论:将正常SD大鼠阴茎海绵体组织和盆神经节移植到裸鼠肾被膜下后,至少可以存活4周,移植物内部组织结构与正常SD大鼠阴茎海绵体和盆神经节组织结构基本一致,可能与肾被膜下提供了移植物所需的局部微环境及移植物内部逐渐形成血液循环有关。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the feasibility of transplanting corpus cavernosum and pelvic ganglion in normal SD rats (Sprague-Dawley rats) into the renal capsule of Nu / Nu nude mice based on tissue allotransplantation. METHODS: The penile tissue and pelvic ganglion of SD rats were obtained under aseptic conditions. The above tissues were transplanted under the renal capsule of Nu / Nu nude mice under the operation microscope. The histopathological changes of the grafts were examined at 1 week and 4 weeks after transplantation Neo-Confucianism and cell proliferation in the graft. RESULTS: One week after transplantation, the corpus cavernosum transplanted into the kidney capsule of Nu / Nu nude mice was consistent with the morphology of normal corpus cavernosum and filled with blood in the corpus cavernosum. After 4 weeks of transplantation, the penis sponge near the kidney Body tissue is near normal tissue, whereas corpus cavernosum far from the kidney is fibrotic and blood is still visible at the penis cavernous sinus. One week after pelvic ganglion transplantation, the internal organization of the graft was similar to that of the normal pelvic ganglion, showing multiple “cell clusters” -like structures with neovascular-like structures near the kidney. Four weeks after transplantation, Vasculature was observed in the pelvic ganglia tissue far from the kidney, and the “cell mass” -like structure was still evident. In addition, ki67-positive cells were found in cavernous tissues and pelvic ganglia that were transplanted into the renal capsule of Nu / Nu nude mice 4 weeks after transplantation, suggesting that some of the intracellular grafts still have proliferative activity. CONCLUSION: After transplanted into corpora cavernosum in nude mice, the corpus cavernosum and pelvic ganglion of normal SD rats can survive for at least 4 weeks. The internal organization of the grafts and the histological structure of the corpus cavernosum and pelvic ganglion in normal SD rats Consistency may be related to the subrenal capsule providing the local microenvironment required for the graft and the gradual blood circulation within the graft.
摘 要:为了跟上世界经济发展的脚步,我国不断调整着各个领域的政策来适应这种快速的发展节奏,其中企业的共青团建设因其无论是对企业还是广大人民群众都起着不可替代的作用,所以被各个行业内的人们所重视。基于此,下文对新形势下企业共青团工作中存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的解决对策,希望对相关人员提供帮助。  关键词:共青团工作;企业发展;工作创新;问题;对策  引言  在社会发展的新时期到来之际,市场
将石英谐振器分别假设为正交各向异性体和各向同性体 ,利用有限元法对其进行失稳时临界力的计算和分析 ,得出了传感器结构稳定性与谐振器厚度及支撑条件的关系。在此基础上 ,
摘 要:随着我国民航事业的迅速发展,其中在空管系统上要求的更为严谨。除了在相关技术应用上需要不断得到创新,对于管制员班组资源的进一步建设也能够发挥出良好作用。基于此,本文首先阐述了民航空中管制的要求和基本现状,然后综合性的提出当前民航空管系统管制员班组资源在建设上存在的问题,最后就这些问题给出对应的策略分析,给相关人士做参考。  关键词:民航;空管系统;管制员;班组资源  进入到二十一世纪以来,在
现代小说以其形式的纷繁丰富了小说这一文学领域 ,叙述在讲究技巧的现代小说中占据着重要的位置。本文试图通过小说家对于叙述的选择 ,证明叙述语言在不同时代所具有的审美关
摘 要:库房的帐物一致率是衡量库房管理水平的一项重要指标,本文针对在库房的日常质量检查和季度盘点中发现紧固件库房帐物一致率不高的现象,提出了将QC小组活动应用于仓储管理的方法。文章通过一个具体案例,详细地说明了QC小组活动在仓储管理中的实施流程,并对实施结果进行了分析。结果表明,在仓储管理中开展QC小组活动后,紧固件库房的帐物一致率得到了明显提高。  关键词:帐物一致率;仓储管理;QC小组活动