
来源 :百姓生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ganyi
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在公交站等车,听到两位老人拌嘴。老翁说:“叫你不要出来,你非要出来,这一跤是自找的。”老妪说:“我就想看看老地方变什么样了。”老翁着急地打断她的话:“假如这一跤摔死了,你还看什么?”霎时,老妪红了眼睛,背过脸去拭眼泪。看到她稀疏的白发在风中飘荡,站立的身子微微颤抖,我心里既难过又不平。我把老翁拉到一边对他说:“老先生,你不该这样对老伴说话,你看她多伤心。”老翁说:“她腿脚不便,我怕她摔坏了,着急。”“我理解你的心情,但是如果你换个说法,就说等你腿脚好了,我一定陪你看个够。那有多好!”老翁不吱声了,他走 Waiting for a bus at the bus station, I heard two elderly people mix mouth. The old man said: “You do not want to come out, you have to come out, this is a self-wrestling.” Lao Qiao said: “I wanted to see what the old place has changed.” Words: “If this wrestling fell to death, what are you looking?” “Instantly, the old red eyes, back to the face to wipe away tears. See her sparse white hair floating in the wind, standing body trembling slightly, my heart is both sad and uneven. I pulled the man aside and said to him: ”Sir, you should not talk to his wife like this, you see her more sad.“ ”The old man said: “ She legs and feet inconvenience, I am afraid she broke, and anxious. ”I understand your mood, but if you put it another way, I’ll tell you that you have a good leg, and I’ll see you enough.“ How wonderful! ”
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在山城重庆,人们把挑夫称为“棒棒”。新年第一天,挑夫郑定祥和雇主走失,却想尽办法找寻失主。他的事迹在网上广为传播,他被网民尊称为“缺钱不缺德重庆棒棒哥”。 In Shanc
霜风呼呼的吹着,月光明明的照着。我和—株顶高的树并排立着,却没有靠着。——《月夜》 Frost whistling blowing, bright moonlight according to. I and - the top of the