回首世界杯足球赛,自1930年乌拉圭举办第1届杯赛至今,每届比赛均是精彩纷呈,令人陶醉。而其中最易让人们感叹的,就是足球是圆的。正因为足球是圆的,才让你摸不透,它到底朝哪边滚动。于是常常窜出一些黑马,让人惊叹不已。 第2届杯赛于1934年在意大利举行,实力较弱的西班牙队却出人意料地杀入半决赛。在对意大利的半决赛中,西班牙队尽管技不如人,但不畏强队,120分钟比赛仍是1:1。按当时的规则,翌日再赛一场,意
Looking back on the FIFA World Cup, each match is colorful and enchanting since the first Cup held in Uruguay in 1930. One of the easiest people to lament is that football is round. Because football is round, just let you touch it, which side it rolling in the end. So often sprang some dark horse, amazing. The 2nd Cup was held in Italy in 1934 and the weaker Spanish team unexpectedly reached the semifinals. Spain in the semi-finals against Italy, though not as good as people, but defied the strong team, 120 minutes still 1: 1 race. According to the rules of the day, race again the next day, Italy