
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fiscar
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1994年是改革整体推进、重点突破,进入关键阶段的重要一年。中央提出了今年的工作方针,强调“抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,促进发展,保持稳定”是全党和全国工作的大局。企业思想政治工作必须服从和服务于“二十字”大局,正确认识和宣传改革、发展、稳定的关系,鼓舞广大干部职工坚定信心、同心同德、顾全大局、艰苦奋斗,为推动企业进一步转换经营机制,加速走向市场,提供强大的精神动力和思想保证。当前,我们做思想政治工作具有许多极为有利的条件。我们应当善于抓住这些有利条件来开展我们的工作。 首先是我们国家总的形势很好。改革开放取得了重大成就,各方面工作出现了新的局面。经济发展,政治稳定,民族团结,社会进步。建设有中国特色 The year 1994 marks an important year for the reform as a whole to advance, to make major breakthroughs and to enter a crucial stage. The Central Government has proposed this year’s working guideline and emphasized that “grasping the opportunity, deepening the reform, expanding the openness, promoting development and maintaining stability” are the overall interests of the entire party and the work of the whole country. The ideological and political work of enterprises must obey and serve the overall situation of “Twenty-word”, correctly understand and promote the relations of reform, development and stability, and encourage the cadres and workers to firm their confidence and work with one heart and one mind to take the overall situation into account and work hard to promote the further conversion of enterprises Mechanism to accelerate toward the market, providing a strong spiritual motivation and ideological assurance. At present, we have many extremely favorable conditions for doing ideological and political work. We should be good at seizing these favorable conditions to carry out our work. First, the overall situation in our country is very good. Great achievements have been made in reform and opening up and a new situation has emerged in all aspects of work. Economic development, political stability, national unity and social progress. Construction has Chinese characteristics
求实,是加强和改进企业思想政治工作的一个重要方面。根据我们的实践,求实要体现在这样几个方面: 把目标订实。要进一步解决思想政治工作同生产经营工作自觉或不自觉相分离
近年来胸膜粘连法成为治疗胸膜疾病常用的方法。许多学者对选用合适的胸膜粘连剂作了大量的研究和探索 ,现就此综述如下。1 胸膜粘连剂的分类和进展1.1 理化刺激剂 如高渗
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目的 探讨核因子κB (NF κB)和细胞间粘附分子 1 (ICAM 1 )在吸烟大鼠气道上皮细胞中表达的变化及其在气道炎症形成过程中的作用。方法 Wistar大鼠 39只 ,随机分为不吸烟