患者,12岁,社会性别女。未来月经。因尿道下裂来院求治。 体查:外貌无特殊、智力正常,身高143cm、体重42kg,乳房未发育、外阴似女性,大阴唇膨隆,阴蒂肥大,似小阴茎,腹股沟处可扪及活动性包块似睾丸抑或卵睾组织。 检查:腹部B超未见子宫、卵巢、输卵管,似发育欠佳的睾丸组织。性激素检查:雌二醇(E_2)294pmol/L,促卵泡激素(FSH)8.0IU/L,睾酮2.3nmol/L,孕酮(P)3.4nmol/L,促黄体激素(LH)6.2u/L、垂体催乳素5.8ug/L。细胞遗传学分析,外周血淋巴细胞培养G显
Patient, 12 years old, female gender. The future of menstruation. Because of hypospadias to hospital for treatment. Physical examination: the appearance of no special, normal intelligence, height 143cm, weight 42kg, undeveloped breast, vulvar like women, labia majora bulging, clitoris hypertrophy, like small penis, inguinal palpable activity encasement like testicles or egg orchestration . Check: abdominal ultrasound B did not see the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, like poorly developed testicular tissue. Sex hormones: 294 pmol / L estradiol (E_2), 8.0 IU / L follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), 2.3 nmol / L testosterone, 3.4 nmol / L progesterone , Pituitary prolactin 5.8ug / L. Cytogenetic analysis, peripheral blood lymphocytes cultured G significant