Systemic, Organic and Molecular Toxicology

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P3-1 Analysis on multiple SNPs of MPO to screen the genetic marker associated with acute leukemia in Chinese Han population ZHANG Juan, ZHU Fang-Yan, PU Yue-Pu, YIN Li-Hong(Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, ChinaAbstract:Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is an important metabolizing enzyme involved in oxidative stress response with some environmental carcinogens including benzene which is associated with bone marrow toxicity and leukemia after chronic exposure. The purpose of this study was to explore the genetic markers associated with acute leukemia from multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of MPO in Chinese Han population. A case-control study was conducted, 134 patients with adult acute leukemia as a case group and 187 cancer-free subjects as a control group. Nine SNPs in promoter and exon which were probable markers related to the gene function and appearance of leukemia were selected. P3-1 Analysis on multiple SNPs of MPO to screen the genetic marker associated with acute leukemia in Han population ZHANG Juan, ZHU Fang-Yan, PU Yue-Pu, YIN Li-Hong (Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009, China Abstract: Myeloperoxidase is an important metabolizing enzyme involved in oxidative stress response with some environmental carcinogens including benzene which is associated with bone marrow toxicity and leukemia after chronic exposure. The purpose of this study was to explore the genetic markers associated with acute leukemia from multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of MPO in Chinese Han population. A case-control study was conducted, 134 patients with adult acute leukemia as a case group and 187 cancer-free subjects as a control group. Nine SNPs in promoter and exon which were probable markers related to the gene function and appearance of leukemia were selected.
·Optogenetics is a new and rapidly evolving gene and neuroengineering technology that allows optical control of specific populations of neurons without affecti
2008年,42岁的王志文双喜临门:4月与名模陈坚红奉子成婚,8月喜做爸爸。然而幸福过后,王志文陷入了纠结:一个屋檐下生活的母亲和妻子,因生活琐事频起摩擦。如何才能让自己最爱的两个人和睦相处呢?      婆媳相处有碰撞,影帝选择逃避  2008年4月1日,王志文与陈坚红在上海奉子成婚。婚后,孝顺的王志文让母亲刘静娴随自己一起生活。8月16日,陈坚红生下一个健康男婴,王志文给儿子取名“王子”。42