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八届全国人大四次会议通过的《全国人民代表大会关于修改〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉的决定》(以下简称《决定》),对司法机关进行刑事诉讼的各个环节,作了一系列的重大修改和补充,必将对我国的刑事司法活动,产生深远的影响。其中的一项重要内容,就是改革与完善人民法院刑事审判的庭审方式。根据《决定》规定,庭审方式的改革与完善要有以下几个方面:一、对公诉案件的庭前审查由实体审查改为程序性审查所谓程序上的审查,是指是否具备基本开庭条件方面的审查。修改前的刑事诉讼法第一百零八条规定:“人民法院对提起公诉的案 The Decision of the National People’s Congress on Amending the Criminal Procedural Law of the People’s Republic of China (the ”Decision“), passed at the Fourth Session of the Eighth National People’s Congress, made a series of decisions on the criminal proceedings against the judiciary Significant changes and additions will surely have a profound impact on China’s criminal justice activities. An important part of this is the way to reform and perfect the court trial of criminal trials in the people’s court. According to the provisions of the Decision, the reform and improvement of trial methods should include the following aspects: First, the pretrial review of public prosecution cases should be changed from substantive examination to procedural examination. The so-called procedural examination refers to whether the basic conditions of the court hearing are met Review. Article 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure before the amendment stipulates: ”The people’s court’s case concerning the prosecution
近日,恒安国际管理层表示,连同早前以低价购入的木浆存货,现时所持木浆足够使用到今年5月,基于市场供应与需求的不确定,现很难估计今年下半年木浆价格走势。 Recently, Heng
目前深沪A股市场中从事造纸行业的公司为21家,从造纸行业近年发展与经济社会消费量需求的增加来看,其 At present, there are 21 companies engaging in the papermaking in
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