Conformational elasticity theory of chain molecules

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:horns01
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This paper develops a conformational elasticity theory of chain molecules, which is based on three key points: (i) the molecular model is the rotational isomeric state (RIS) model; (ii) the conformational distribution function of a chain molecule is described by a function of two variables, the end-to-end distance of a chain conformation and the energy of the conformation; (iii) the rule of changes in the chain conformational states during deformation is that a number of chain conformations would vanish. The ideal deformation behavior calculated by the theory shows that the change in chain conformations is physically able to make the upward curvature of the stress-strain curve at the large-scale deformation of natural rubber. With the theory, different deformation behaviors between polymers with different chemical structures can be described, the energy term of the stress in the deformations can be predicted, and for natural rubber the fraction of the energy term is around 13%, coinciding with the experi This paper develops a conformational elasticity theory of chain molecules, which is based on three key points: (i) the molecular model is the rotational isomeric state (RIS) model; (ii) the conformational distribution function of a chain molecule is described by a function of two variables, the end-to-end distance of a chain conformation and the energy of the conformation; (iii) the rule of changes in the chain conformational states during deformation is that a number of chain conformations would vanish. The ideal deformation behavior calculated by the theory shows that the change in chain conformations is physically able to make the upward curvature of the stress-strain curve at the large-scale deformation of natural rubber. With the theory, different deformation behaviors between polymers with different chemical structures can be described, the energy term of the stress in the deformations can be predicted, and for natural rubber the fraction of the energy term is around 13%, coincid ing with the experi
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