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同心县全国最大的羊绒原绒集散地,全县有1万多人的收购队伍,具有丰富的收购经验,足迹踏遍世界羊绒产区和市场,形成了稳定的营销网络。同心羊绒工业园区位于同心县城北郊。规划占地面积2200亩,2003年5月园区一期工程开工建设。截止目前,园区开发利用土地面积505亩,固定资产投资已超过1亿多元,基础设施配套,羊绒检测中心已建成投入使用。目前入园羊绒企业43家,企业固定资产投资8600万元,建筑面积达到6万多平方米。现有骨干羊绒企业生海公司、祥福公司、双维公司等,年生产无毛绒1600吨,产值9.17亿元。占全县工业总产值的80%以上,安置劳动力2000余人,产品销往全国各地和美国、日本、意大利、荷兰等国。园区实行封闭式管理、开放式经营、市场化运作、园林化建设和社会化服务的运行机制,提供招商引资优惠政策,放宽入园条件,减免企业相关税费,建立公共服务平台,为企业提供及时高效的服务,是自治区确定的重点工业园区之一。 Concentric County, the country’s largest cashmere original cashmere distribution center, the county has more than 10,000 acquisition teams, has a wealth of acquisition experience, footprints all over the world cashmere producing areas and markets, forming a stable marketing network. Concentric cashmere Industrial Park is located in the northern suburbs of Tongxin County. Planning covers an area of ​​2200 acres, in May 2003 a park construction started. Up to now, the development and utilization of the park area of ​​505 acres of land, investment in fixed assets has more than 100000000 yuan, infrastructure facilities, cashmere testing center has been completed and put into use. At present, there are 43 cashmere enterprises in the park, with 86 million yuan of investment in fixed assets and a building area of ​​more than 60,000 square meters. The existing backbone of cashmere business enterprises in the sea, Cheung Fook, two-dimensional companies, the production of 1,600 tons of plush cashmere, 917 million yuan output value. Accounting for more than 80% of the total industrial output value of the county, resettlement of labor more than 2,000 people, products are sold throughout the country and the United States, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands and other countries. Park closed-end management, open management, market-oriented operation, landscape construction and social service operation mechanism, to provide preferential investment policies, to relax admission conditions, reduce taxes and fees related businesses, the establishment of public service platform for enterprises to provide Timely and efficient service is determined by the autonomous region, one of the key industrial parks.
PK得票数:343创网PK结果:败指导教师:郭仁发(创网名:苏州河_cz)入选理由:1.真实体验2.虚实结合3.风格清新自然(互动活动详情请见本刊P58“编读互动”) PK votes: 343 Chuang
即将由国务院审议发布的《乡镇煤矿管理条例》是我国第一部煤炭工业行业管理法规。它的制定和出台,对于加强行业管理和发展乡镇煤矿具有重大的意义。 About to be released
有人说,舞蹈者有节奏的脚步声是最动听的,但是,舞蹈者最终也会停住脚步。只有自然,它的脚步才是永无止息的。让我们尽情地享受,尽情地聆听自然的脚步声吧。 Some people say
30年,弹指一挥间。不知不觉,中国家电业已随改革开放一起经历了30年的风雨洗礼。期间,中国家电企业经历了咿呀学语的幼年时代,也享受过 30 years, fingertips. Unconsciousl