从全国各地随机抽取了 45份专科院校主办的社科学报 ,对照刚刚公布不久的《中国高等学校社会科学学报编辑规范》和《中国学术期刊 (光盘版 )检索与评价数据规范》 ,对其摘要的编写、注释和参考文献的著录进行了编辑规范化分析 ,发现大部分被调查者或多或少地存在着不规范的情况 ,反映了不少学报编辑人员还缺少足够的规范化意识 ,对执行有关编辑规范的重视不够 ,对有关编辑规范的理解和掌握也不够深入 ,从一个侧面说明了加强学报编辑规范化建设的紧迫性。
A total of 45 social science journals sponsored by colleges and universities were randomly selected from all over the country. Compared with the edition of “Editorial Regulations of Editorial Colleges of Social Sciences in China” and the “Data Retrieval and Evaluation Criteria of Chinese Academic Journals (CD)” just published, Abstract compilation, annotations and reference bibliographic editing conducted a standardized analysis and found that most of the respondents more or less the existence of non-standard, reflecting the many editors lack of standardization awareness, the implementation of The compilation of norms is not enough attention, nor understanding of the editorial normative enough depth, from one aspect illustrates the urgency of strengthening journal editorial standardization.