六年前,在春风拂面的季节里,北京旅游业首创了我国第一条旅游热线电话。热线正式开通那天,30多位报社的记者赶来采访,把电话站仅有的一间小屋挤得水泄不通…… 旅游热线应运而生 第11届亚运会召开前夕,北京市旅游局决定向中外游客推出“北京旅游热线电话”,这不仅是为迎亚运而作的贡献,也是借亚运会召开之机,使北京旅游业的服务质量再上一个新台阶。 改革开放以后,我国旅游业的快速发展引起了中外瞩目,北京作为首都,更成为旅游者首先关注的热点。要确保北京旅游业的健康发展和良好声誉,必须提
Six years ago, in the spring breeze season, Beijing tourism pioneered our first tourist hotline. Hotline officially opened the day, more than 30 newspaper correspondents came to interview, the phone station only a small apartment packed packed ... Travel hotline came into being On the eve of the 11th Asian Games, Beijing Municipal Tourism Bureau decided to foreign tourists The launch of “Beijing Tourism Hotline” not only serves as a contribution to the Asian Games, but also takes advantage of the opportunity of the Asian Games to further elevate the service quality of Beijing’s tourism industry to a new level. After the reform and opening up, the rapid development of China’s tourism industry has attracted the attention of both China and foreign countries. Beijing, as the capital city, has become the first hot spot for tourists. To ensure the healthy development and good reputation of Beijing’s tourism industry, we must mention it