
来源 :中国现代医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skgoo1989
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目的:探讨便秘模型中大鼠的结肠慢波变化 ,阐明体现肌电图与胃肠平滑肌电活动的相关性并为临床合理应用肌电图鉴别慢性便秘提供实验依据。通过传统生理记录仪记录及观测肌电和运动信号 ,不仅工作量大 ,而且不易对信号进行深入分析。本试验旨在研究利用计算机技术及频谱方法分析探讨大鼠的肌电活动和机械运动之间的关系。方法 :Wistar大鼠 4 0 (雌雄不限 ,每组 4 0只 )。以临床上常用的接触性泻剂大黄建立大鼠的“泻剂结肠”模型。利用体表电极、体内胃肠电极和压力传器 ,通过计算机分别同时记录正常对照组和便秘组大鼠体表胃电体内平滑肌慢波和胃平滑肌运动信号 ,并运用频谱方法进行数据处理和统计学分析。结果 :便秘组大鼠的结肠慢波的主功率 ,中心频率 ,平均频率和正常慢波的百分比均明显降低。P <0 .0 5 ;不稳定系数明显增加。体内慢波、结肠平滑肌的平均振幅相关性良好。结论 :结肠平滑肌的慢波振幅 ,频率降低是导致便秘的原因之一。体内慢波在一定程度能够反映肠道活动 ,提示其生理和病理规律 ,有可能应用于临床 ,作为胃肠动力性疾病的诊断和疗效判定的客观标准。计算机和频谱是电信号分析中的有效手段之一。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the changes of colon slow wave in constipation model, to clarify the correlation between EMG and gastrointestinal smooth muscle and to provide experimental evidence for the clinical application of EMG in the diagnosis of chronic constipation. Recording and observing EMG and motor signals through traditional physiology recorder not only has heavy workload, but also not easy to analyze signal deeply. This experiment aims to study the use of computer technology and spectrum analysis to explore the relationship between the myoelectrical activity and mechanical movement in rats. Methods: 40 Wistar rats (male or female, 40 in each group). The “cathartic colon” model was established in rats by commonly used contact cathartic rhubarb. By using the body surface electrode, gastrointestinal electrode and pressure transmitter, the slow wave and gastric smooth muscle signal of smooth muscle in the body surface of the rats in the normal control group and the constipation group were recorded simultaneously by computer and the data were processed and statistically analyzed by using the spectrum method Analysis. Results: The main power, central frequency, average frequency and the percentage of normal slow wave of colon slow wave in constipation group were significantly decreased. P <0. 05; instability coefficient increased significantly. In vivo slow wave, the average amplitude of colon smooth muscle correlation is good. Conclusion: The slow wave amplitude and frequency of colon smooth muscle are one of the causes of constipation. The slow wave in vivo can reflect the intestinal activity to a certain extent, suggesting its physiological and pathological rules, may be applied to clinical, as gastrointestinal motility disease diagnosis and curative effect of objective criteria. Computers and spectrum are one of the most effective means of signal analysis.
前几年,国外.50勃朗宁口径的步枪发展非常迅速,然而时隔不久,对研制这种口径的步枪仍很积极的枪械工厂就不那么多了。本文仅对前几年大口径狙击步枪发展作一简要回顾。 A f
1 概述 BL12-1Z1型半自动猎枪(题图)是我国自行研制的外贸出口猎枪,可供射击运动和警察防暴使用,于1997年6月设计定型并投产。 该枪采用独特、前卫的惯性储能式自动方式,使
发展经过 “大山猫”装甲车的研制工作始于1976年,当时为验证平台的设计概念共制造了3辆8&#215;8样车。随后又生产了3辆样车并于20世纪80年代初交付南非国防军进行了评估。
巴尔扎克的“反问法”:打开一切科学之门的钥匙都毫无疑问是问号。 Balzac’s “Questioning Method”: The key to opening all the gates of science is without question