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我国现阶段的社会性质是社会主义社会,还是仍然处于过渡时期?这是当前关于过渡时期理论讨论中的一个核心问题.从一些文章和综合报导材料看来,对这个问题的看法还很不一致.那些主张过渡时期是从资本主义社会过渡到共产主义社会高级阶段的同志,当然认为我国现在还远未结束过渡时期.在肯定过渡时期是从资本主义社会过渡到共产主义社会第一阶段的同志中,也有多种看法,其中有代表性的是:第一种,认为我国早已完成了生产资料所有制的社会主义改造,建立了社会主义公有制,实行了“各尽所能、按劳分配”的社会主义分配原则;剥削阶级作为完整的阶级已经不复存在,所以就应承认我国已经结束了过渡时期,现阶段的社会性质是社会主义社会.但由于种种原因,我们的社会主义制度还很不完善和很不成熟,还未达到马克思、恩格斯所设想的共产主义社会第一阶段的标准,因此应该称作“不发达的社会主义社会”(有的同志认为 The social nature of our country at this stage is a socialist society or is still in a transitional period? This is a core issue currently under discussion in the theory of transitional period. From some articles and comprehensive information materials, the views on this issue are still not very consistent. Those who advocate that the transitional period is the transition from capitalist society to the advanced stage of communist society certainly think that our country is still far from ending the transitional period and in affirming that the transitional period is the transition from capitalist society to the first phase of communist society There are also many views. The first one is that China has already completed the socialist transformation of the ownership of the means of production, established the socialist public ownership system and implemented the “society that does its best and distributes according to work” The principle of the principle of division of labor and the abolition of the exploiting class as a complete class no longer exist, we should admit that our country has ended the transitional period and the social nature of the present stage is a socialist one, but our socialism system is still far from perfect for various reasons And immature, have not reached the communist society envisioned by Marx and Engels One-stage standards should therefore be called “underdeveloped socialist society” (some comrades think
作者于2000、2001年收治睾丸扭转6例.均经手术证实,治愈3例,3例行睾丸切除手术.1 临床资料
目的 探讨小儿脑性瘫痪(脑瘫)脑血流动力学变化的临床意义。方法 应用彩色多普勒超声对57例脑性瘫痪儿进行脑血流参数检测,并与55例正常小儿的检测结果进行对照。结果 1岁以
【正】 《野草》的写作意图、主要内容和思想倾向是个众说纷纭的问题.有的说,主要是对黑暗现实的揭露和批判;有的说,主要是对自己心境和思想中矛盾的解剖、思索和批判;有的说