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许培仁(1912-1986),陕西省神木县人。1934年加入中国共产党,翌年参加中国工农红军。土地革命战争时期,任陕西神木县赤卫队大队长,红27军独立3团经理处处长,游击第11支队政委,陕北独立师1团政委。抗日战争时期,任八路军120师警备6团营教导员,抗日军政大学政治部民运科科长,总务科科长,供给部副政委、政委。解放战争时期,任东北民主联军后勤总兵站部副政委,东北野战军后勤部第2分部副政委。 Xu Peiren (1912-1986), Shenmu County, Shaanxi Province. In 1934 to join the Chinese Communist Party, the following year to participate in the Red Army of Chinese workers and peasants. During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, he was chief of the Red Guards team of Shenmu County in Shaanxi Province, director of the 3rd Regiment of the Independent Red 27 Army, political commissar of the 11th detachment of the guerrillas, and political commissar of the 1st Regiment of the Independent Division of Northern Shaanxi. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, he served as instructor for 6 battalion battalions of 120 divisions of the Eighth Route Army, chief of the democracy movement department of the Political Department of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, chief of general affairs department, deputy political commissar and political commissar of the supply department. During the War of Liberation, he served as deputy political commissar of the General Directorate of the Democratic Forces of Northeast China and deputy political commissar of the 2nd Division of the Logistics Department of Northeast Field Army.
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(一)新时期军队政治工作为什么必须进行利益导向 我们是历史唯物主义者,历来认为人们的政治思想和道德观念都是由其经济地位决定的,义和利是统一的.我军政治工作的利益导向.
1955年,中国人民解放军实行军街制时共授元师10名、大将10名,上将57名、中将175名、少将800名。尔后,晋升中将2名、少将559名。到“文革”前,共授少将以上将军1613名。 在这