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攀钢炼钢厂3座120吨转炉是我国七十年代自行设计制造的最大转炉。其托圈直径8470毫米,自重180吨,在制造过程中就发现所用厚度100及80毫米钢板质量不合格(存在内部分布裂纹缺陷,当量大小φ3毫米左右),当时经机械工业部沈鸿副部长决定列为监督使用。托圈是支承整个转炉炉体的要害部件,一旦发生事故,后果将异常严重。1978年初原设计及制造单位向冶金部建议对该托圈强度安全性进行测定研究,以决定是否继续使用或更换新托圈。我院承担了此项任务。 该托圈直接承受炉体荷载800吨及倾动力矩300吨·米,工作温度达250℃。其机械应力及热应力相当复杂,并均属交变性质。研究工作必须正确确定托圈在热态及动态情况下应力场和应力交变的特性,及其对内部原始裂纹扩展的作用。为此,在现场进行了托 Panzhihua Iron and Steel Works 3 120-ton converter is China’s seventies design and manufacture of the largest converter. The ring diameter of 8470 mm, self-weight of 180 tons, found in the manufacturing process used in the thickness of 100 and 80 mm unqualified steel quality (there are internal distribution of crack defects, the equivalent size φ3 mm or so), then by the Ministry of Industry and Vice Minister Shen Hong Decided to list as supervision. The supporting ring is the key component that supports the entire converter body. In the event of an accident, the consequences will be extremely serious. In early 1978, the original design and manufacturing unit proposed to the Ministry of Metallurgical to study the strength and safety of the carousel to determine whether to continue using or replacing the carousel. Our hospital undertook this task. The carrier ring directly bear the furnace load of 800 tons and tilting moment of 300 tons · m, the working temperature of 250 ℃. Its mechanical stress and thermal stress are quite complex and are of alternating nature. The research work must correctly determine the characteristics of the stress field and stress alternation of the support ring under hot and dynamic conditions and its effect on the expansion of the internal original cracks. To this end, carried out in the field care
在具有滑块的注射模设计时,必须考虑滑块分型后的位置定位,我们多采用直接在模板上钻孔镶嵌钢珠,装入弹簧,滑块底面(?)孔,与钢珠定位。如图1所示: 由于当前模具贯彻标准化设
经过不同“步冷”工艺处理后的2 1/4Cr-1Mo钢及其焊缝,经试验表明,其“步冷”工艺中第五步降温速度对材料的脆化度影响不大。 After the different “step cold” process o