
来源 :中国经济信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hainian3166
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从数据看祖国内地与香港经贸合作——从进出口贸易看,目前香港是内地最大的出口市场、创汇来源地。据中国海关统计,1996年内地与香港进出口贸易总额为407亿美元,占全国进出口总额的14%,比1978年两地进出口额26亿美元增长了近15倍。1996年内地对... From the data, we can see the economic and trade cooperation between the mainland of China and Hong Kong. From the perspective of import and export trade, Hong Kong is currently the largest export market and source of foreign exchange in the Mainland. According to statistics from China Customs, the total import and export volume between the Mainland and Hong Kong in 1996 was 40.7 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 14% of the total import and export volume of the country, and nearly 15 times the import and export volume of 2.6 billion U.S. dollars in 1978. In 1996, the Mainland was...
横行:A.the man to whom a woman is marriedB.AmericaC.middayD.to cause someone to remember a tactE.used/or making shoes,bags,etc.F.an underground room used/or st
Long,long ago in India,judges tvaveled from village to village.Oneday a judge stopped at an inn to rest,but the innkeeper was veryupset.Someone had just that d
He likes singing,so does she.他喜欢唱歌,她也喜欢唱歌。He likes singing,so he does.他喜欢唱歌,情况确实如此。区分上面两个句型只需记住一句话: He likes singing, s
期末将至,又该复习迎考了,下面将同学们容易出错的地方整理成典型例句,供大家复习参考,在考试中引以为戒。 1.He is an English. but I am aChinese.(English这里是形容词,
现在的商人为了赚钱不择手段,在肉里掺水,让消费者很不放心。我想用一种对水很敏感的材料做测水仪,当肉里的水超标时可自动发出警报。 Today’s businessmen are unscrupulo
1.What has an eyes but cannot see?什么有眼却看不见? 2.What has two legs but cannot walk?什么有两条腿却不能走路? 1. What has an eyes but cannot see? What eyes
欢迎来到HappyEnglish。其实,学English是一件非常funny的事情。在这里,你会发现学English的快乐,而且还能掌握丰富的词汇。Areyouready? Welcome to HappyEnglish. In fact
《对外贸易法》7月1日起实施,其中规定个人也可从事外贸活动,这是一个了不起的突破。业界认为此举势必引起行业巨变,更多个人将依靠自己的经营特色,走上对外贸易的舞台。 Th