纯韩 超人气大赏

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扬起你手中的选票,将你心目中的人气之星推到封面吧!从这期开始,我们的人气王团体第一名将登陆当期封面。同时开启个人明星人气王榜单公布,第一名将成为我们当期杂志的主打星!投票参与方法NO.1来信投票在来信中按照你心中的排名列出十位韩星的名字,将信件寄给我们即可为你心中的偶像投出一票!投票地址:湖南省长沙市169号邮政信箱《纯韩时尚》组稿处邮编:410013NO.2邮箱投票在邮件中按照你心中的排名列出十位韩星的名字,将邮件寄给我们即可!邮件的标题记得标注“纯韩超人气大赏”哦!记得留下你要说给你所支持明星的留言哟!邮箱地址:chunhanshishang@163.com Raise the ballot in your hand and push the popular star in your mind to the cover! From the beginning of this period, the top of our popular king group will land on the current cover page. At the same time open the personal star list of popular king list, the first one will become our current magazine’s flagship! Voting Participation NO.1 letter of voting in your letter according to your heart’s ranking lists the name of ten Hanxing, mail to us You can vote for your heart idol! Voting Address: Changsha, Hunan Province, 169 PO Box “Pure Korean Fashion” Department of Post Office Zip Code: 410013NO.2 E-mail in the mail according to your heart rankings list ten Han star The name of the mail will be emailed to us! The title of the e-mail remember to remember “pure Korean super popular reward ” Oh! Remember to leave you to say to your support for the star’s message yo! E-mail address: chunhanshishang @ 163. com
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四种菊酯类农药对粘虫的室内药效 (一)材料和方法 供试药剂为:2.5%敌杀死,即溴氰菊酯,系法国进口,省植保站提供;20%速灭杀丁,即杀灭菊酯,系日本进口;20%虫螨菊酯25%多杀菊酯,均
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刺足根螨(Rhizoglyphus echinopus)也称水芋根螨(R.callae)、路氏根螨和块茎根螨,属蜱螨目粉螨科根螨属,是水仙的重要害螨。国外于本世纪初就开始研究,国内的研究是近几年才
白榆(Ulmus Pumila L.)又称家榆,是我国特别是东北、华北和淮北广大平原区绿化、用材、防护林以及盐碱地造林的主要树种。但由于榆紫叶甲的猖獗危害,迄今吉林省西部榆树人工