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进入21世纪以来,在新的时代背景和文学环境中曾经在20世纪80年代担负着正向引导儿童文化发展与传播的纸质媒体的儿童文学形式面对当今读者的不断疏远甚至拒绝,市场滑坡的红色警告显得越加的没有底气。正当儿童文学作家因苦于与读者无法沟通和产生共鸣而感到沮丧和困惑时,又被以电视和网络为主导的先进传媒手段迎头冲击到了边缘的位置。特别是外国儿童文学以及以其为基础的动画片的大举进入,一边让我们感叹某些方面的自愧不如,一边在努力学习并寻找一个行之有效的方法来开拓具有中国民族特色的儿童文学。 Since the beginning of the 21st century, the literary forms of children’s literature, which were once heavily loaded with the paper media that direct the development and dissemination of children’s culture in the 1980s, have been estranged or even rejected by readers in the new era background and literary context. As a result, the market has been declining The red warning seems more unsupportive. While children’s literature writers are frustrated and confused by their inability to communicate and resonate with their readers, they are also head-started by the advanced media means dominated by television and the Internet. Especially the foreign children’s literature and the animated cartoon based on it, let us lament that some aspects are ashamed of themselves, while studying hard and finding an effective way to develop children’s literature with Chinese national characteristics .
笔者报告了76例肾癌CT表现.重点讨论了CT对肾癌的诊断尤其是早期诊断和鉴^别诊断,以及CT分期,并分析了肾癌CT分期的失误原因. The author reported 76 cases of renal cell