Research on Model of Guiding Rural Residents’ Relatively Centralized Residence——A Case Study of Chon

来源 :亚洲农业研究:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiqiangting
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On the basis of expounding the status quo of rural residents’ residence, the thesis notes that influenced by the weak foundation of rural economy, the characteristic of mountain landscape, smallholder consciousness, shortage of capital and other factors,
<正> 患者男,32岁,已婚。因阴茎发性线条状红斑,于1995年10月28日来诊。患者于10多天前曾有婚外性交史。3天前无意中发现阴茎右侧出现一条状红斑,用手捏后可挤出脓液,无自觉
On the basis of overview of the study area,by analyzing the dynamic change of farmland in Ninglang County,we can find that the farmland area in this county tend
Traditionally, the transmission device for cutter adopts gear mechanism combined with planar crank-rocker mechanism. In line with this drawback, this paper pres
<正> 患者女性,41岁。96年8月5日因咳嗽自服阿莫仙胶囊2片/次,早晚各一次。8月6日晨起发现全身起红色针尖大红斑及米粒至绿豆大丘疹,以双小腿及左膝关节为甚,伴奇痒难忍于当
<正> 自1952年Sulzbergle首次发现氢化考的松软膏治疗某些皮肤病有效以后,近40余年来,这类药物的发展很快。目前,外用皮质类固醇激素(以下简称激素)已成为皮肤病治疗领域中的
:【目的】了解胃康宁对大鼠实验性胃癌的防治作用及其可能的机制。【方法】Wistar雄性大白鼠 5 0只 ,用N 甲基 N’ 亚硝基 N 硝基胍 (MNNG)限期饲饮法诱导大鼠腺胃发生腺癌
The status quo of resource allocation of agricultural science and technology R&D(research and development)both at home and abroad,including the amount and funct
In terms of current life style, living and production conditions and hygienic and educational condition, we select 8 indices, such as annual net income of farme