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纪律的约束功能是尽人皆知的,但纪律的导向功能却并非人人都很重视,甚至有人将导向功能等同于约束功能.其实,纪律的导向功能与约束功能是有区别的.纪律的约束功能是指纪律规范的限定性,即纪律明确规定人们“不得”做出什么行为,要求人们“必须”做出什么行为,以及如有违反应承担何种后果等等,它是纪律作用的外部描述.纪律的导向功能是指纪律规范有利于组织目标实现的引导性,它的实质是揭示纪律与目标的内在联系,是纪律作用的内部描述.纪律的导向功能必须以约束功能为前提,离开了约束功能的纪律就无所谓导向功能.纪律作为一定社会或组织要求其成员共同遵守并赋有组织强制力的行为规范,其内涵是极其丰富的. The discipline of discipline is well known, but the guiding function of discipline is not everyone attaches great importance to it. Some people even equate the guiding function with the restraining function. In fact, the guiding function of the discipline is different from the restraining function It refers to the discipline of the discipline, that is, discipline clearly defines what people can not do, what they must do, and what to do if they violate it. It is an external description of the role of discipline. The guiding function of discipline refers to the guidance that disciplinary norms are conducive to the realization of organizational goals, and its essence is to reveal the inherent relationship between discipline and goal, which is the internal description of the role of discipline.Division-oriented functions of discipline must take the restraint function as the premise and leave the constraint The discipline of function is indifferent to the guiding function.Discipline is an extremely rich connotation of a code of conduct that a certain society or an organization requires its members to observe together and endow organizational coercion.
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