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为响应国家西部大开发的战略,抓住机遇,促进西部民航健康发展,搞好西部地区民航的基础设施建设,制定科学的西部民航发展对策,已是摆在西部地区民航系统各单位的首要课题。西部地区当前的首要任务应是做好以下几个方面的基础工作:一是要认真总结建国以来西部地区发展的经验教训;二是要总结东部地区改革开放20年来的发展经验;三是切实做好本地实际情况的调查研究工作。认真制定各地方及各行业的中长期发展规划,分期分批、有步骤有计划地实施建设,才能有效避免高投入、低 In order to respond to the strategy of developing the western part of the country, seizing the opportunities, promoting the healthy development of civil aviation in the west, improving the infrastructure construction of the civil aviation in the western region and formulating a scientific strategy for the development of the western civil aviation are the major tasks for all units in the civil aviation system in the western region . The first priority for the western region should be to do the following basic work: First, to conscientiously sum up the experiences and lessons learned from the development of the western region since the founding of the People’s Republic; second, to summarize the development experience of the eastern region for the past 20 years of reform and opening up; third, Good local investigation and research work. Carefully formulate the long-term and medium-term development plans of various localities and industries, and implement construction plans in stages and in batches, and in a planned way so as to effectively avoid high investment and low investment
行政行为是指国家行政机关依照法律对社会事务实施管理的活动。行政行为具有以下特征 :一是行政主体是法定的 ,即只有法定的行政机关才能代表国家进行行政管理活动 ,其他机关
二十世纪最后一个盛夏,运10飞机首飞廿周年就在眼前,记者拜访了我们多年尊敬的英雄,运10飞机试飞队中队长、首席试飞员王金大同志。 In the last summer of the 20th centu
自1995年4月以来,EUTELSAT公司已使EUTELsAT Ⅱ FM1和热鸟-I(HB-1)两颗地球同步通信卫星共位于东经13°。本文介绍这两颗卫星的运行约束条件和轨道结构配置。此外,本文还介绍
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