面向市场 搞活经营

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宋河酒厂在激烈的市场竞争中,积极加大改革力度,努力搞活企业,坚持以效益为中心,以市场需求为导向,加速转换经营机制。1992年,在过去连续三年荣获全国500家、同行业50家最佳经济效益企业之一称号的基础上,又实现了产量、产值、税、利四个突破,分别比1991年增长48%、50%、53%和60%。同时,荣获国家、省、部4块金牌。进入1993年,在白酒市场供大于求,白酒市场竞争更加激烈的情况下,宋河酒厂积极调整竞争策略,制订正确的营销方针,生产继续呈现产销两旺的好势头。截止2月底,全厂已完成工业总产值3615万元,比去年同期增长65.1%,实现销售收入7098.9万元,比去年同期增长94.3%,完成税利1916.5万元,比去年同期 In the fierce market competition, Songhe Winery actively intensified its reform efforts, worked hard to invigorate the enterprise, insisted on benefit-centeredness, and guided market demand to accelerate the conversion of operating mechanisms. In 1992, in the past three consecutive years, it won the title of one of the top 500 companies in the industry with 500 companies in the industry, and achieved four breakthroughs in output, output value, taxation, and profits, which were 48% more than in 1991. , 50%, 53%, and 60%. At the same time, it won four gold medals from the national, provincial and ministerial departments. In 1993, in the event that the liquor market exceeded supply and the competition in the liquor market was fiercer, Songhe Wine Factory actively adjusted its competition strategy and formulated the correct marketing policy. Production continued to show a good momentum of production and sales. By the end of February, the total industrial output value of the whole plant had reached 36.15 million yuan, an increase of 65.1% over the same period of last year. The sales income was 70.89 million yuan, an increase of 94.3% compared with the same period of last year, and the tax profit was 19.165 million yuan, which was the same period of last year.
【作文题目】看下面的漫画,然后作文。要求:选准角度,明确立意,自选文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料的内容及含义的范围,不要套作,不得抄袭,不少于800字。 [Essay topic] look a
只听一个声音在兴奋地说:“嘿,没想到这么快就得手了。”另一个沙哑的声音说:“这次不少吧,又够咱们赌上几回的了。一看到这些花花绿绿的钱啊,我就高兴。”第一个声音又说:“我就说了这家店的生意好吧,果然给我们准备了好几万。”沙哑声音说:“别啰嗦了。快数数,把钱分了吧,我肚子还饿着呢。”  乔楚听着听着就明白了,这是俩贼!他将车子搬到花坛边上,大声自语道:“这车好好的,怎么就掉了车链呢,真倒霉!”花坛里立
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党的十一届三中全会以后,我国城乡经济体制改革深入发展,对邮政通信提出了更高的要求。邮政通信事业如何满足社会的新需求,是关系到我国邮政发展的大事。今年,国务院 After
33例脑瘤,包括18例原发性脑瘤及15例转移性脑瘤,进行钴~(60)放疗。在放疗前、放疗20Gy、40Gy、60Gy 及相距3月时进行CT 检查。见到:1.肿瘤大小——在放疗中肿瘤可有暂时缩小
椎管内肿瘤多为单发、多发者少见,诊断与治疗均有一定困难。现将经手术证实一例报告如下: 男、24岁。患者左肩发麻,伴有疼痛6年,于1978年元月9日入院。1976年9月出现左上肢