
来源 :中学生数学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vikdl
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考生失分的原因是多种多样的,表现的形式也不尽相同,其中最能引起我们注意的是知识的缺漏造成的失分(概念不清、公式记错、定理与法则运用错误等),而“隐性失分”却往往被忽视.所谓“隐性失分”,就是指非知识性失分,即因知识以外的失误造成的失分(如解题策略、思维定势、心理因素等),一般解题者很难自我发现. There are many reasons for the candidates to lose their points, and the forms of expression are not the same. Among them, the ones that can attract our attention are the missing points caused by the lack of knowledge (unclear concepts, wrong formulations, wrong use of theorems and rules, etc.) However, “hidden points” are often overlooked. The so-called “hidden points” refers to non-informative points, that is, due to errors other than knowledge caused by points (such as problem-solving strategies, mindset, psychological Factors, etc.) It is difficult for general problem solvers to discover themselves.
<正> Theorem 1. Let f(x1,x2,…, xm) be a function of m variables, which has 2-order partial derivative on the origin. Put
<正> Since 1977 ab initio MO calculation has been undertaken in Peking University. Some works have been finished and published, for example, on the study of ele
相传女祸补天时费了九牛二虎之力,在数学世界里,同样需要我们采取“挖”、“补”的方法,并须慎之又慎,稍一疏忽,就会产生错解.下面举例说明. 例题已知复数w=(3-z)/(3+z)(z
求一元二次方程中字母系数的值(或范围)的题型,在近几年各地中考试题中出现较多,稍不注意就会出现这样或那样的错误. 一、既要根据条件求出字母的值,又要用判别式检验有无实
<正> We consider in the Hilbert space H the nonlinear operator equation Lx+Nx=0 (1) for the existence of solutions. Here L is a linear self-adjoint operator and
<正> Let X be set, T(X)={φ: φ ∈XXΛφ is bijective}. Two equivalence relations R and S on X are of the same type, and denoted by R~S, if (φ ∈T(X))(S = {(φ(x), φ(y)):(x,
<正> With regards to the spectral theory of operators, the relation between quasi-similarity and spectrum has been a problem of interest. We tried to prove that
<正> Although the dielectric constant (ε) and the permanent dipole moment (μ) of solvents have for a long time been used to describe the polarity of solvents,
古老的伙伴据说古埃及人6 000多年前,就已经发现酵母菌的不寻常特性了。当时偶尔有几个酵母菌孢子,飘落到盛有压碎新鲜葡萄的罐子上,使得葡萄汁变成为香醇可口的葡萄酒。此